Chapter 29 (NEW)

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Here to finish what I started lmao

Anyways I hope y'all enjoy it and make sure to vote and comment.

I apologize if the ending of the book seems rushed or poorly written.  


Scrambling back to her office Ruby slammed the door closed. Dropping everything she unlocked her phone and dialed Gio's number as fast as he could.

"Hello," Gio's deep accented voice answered.

"He was here. Gio he's looking for them," Ruby blurted out holding her hand to her heaving chest as she tried to catch her breath.

Her fear was finally catching up with her.

The sound of rustling came through the phone. Gio was getting up and moving to get his car keys.

"Are you still at the diner," He asked to ask the sound of his car keys roughly clanking together

"No no, I'm at home," she semi shouted knowing how her grandson would react if he knew she was still in her office at the diner. "Gio he was so close," Ruby cried.

Jhacari had missed Sy'lence and Samarah by an hour or two.


After calming Ruby down Gio ended the call and got up and out of bed and went to his "office" that was just down the hall.

Getting in the room he close and locks the door behind him and then sits at his desk.

Taking out a small computer from a random drawer GIo began doing something he would usually ask Miriam to do.

Within minutes Gio had access to the city's traffic cameras. Going back to the time after Sy'lence and Samarah left the restaurant the anxious man began to scan through the recording and around closing time he spotted a man enter the clearly closed diner.

He fast forward waiting to see when he would come out of the diner and when he did he switched to a different camera and watched as Jhacari walked down the street and turned the corner but after that he lost sight of the man.

For the next two hours Giovanni frantically searched through the surveillance footage to try and find any signs of Jhacari but he just couldn't.

It was like he dropped off the face of the earth.


Walking out of the room he was met with Sy'lence running down the hallway.

"Gio," she squealed wrapping her arms around his legs, "come watch movie with us," she said tugging on his sweats.

He didn't want Sy'lence to pick up on his sour mood so he gave her a smile and picked her up.

"What movie are we watching," Gio asked setting the girl on his hip and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Eww," Sy'lence said dramatically, "thats nasty," she said crossing her arms.

"You go visit Ruby and Ella and now you don't like my kisses," Gio said playfully, "you hurt my feelings," he added fake pouting.

"Good," Sy'lence cackled laughing in Gio's face.

Wow, Gio thought.

"Then I guess you're not getting your 'coffee' in the morning anymore," he said poking Sy's stomach as he walked them toward the living room where Samarah was

"You can't do that," she said poking him back on the chest.

"Yes I can," he said poking her back.

"No you can't," Sy'lence hissed.

"Yes I can," Gio said.

The little girl went to rebuttal once again she was cut off by the sound of her mom's voice.

"What are y'all arguing about now," Samarah said amused.

"Nothin momma," Sy'lence said innocently.

Gio's jaw dropped, "your daughter is a bully," he said making Sy'lence slap him on the shoulder.

Setting Sy'lence down Gio leaned down, "What did I say about putting your hands on me," he said.

"What I say about taking my coffee," she said mockingly.

As the two argued Samarah realized that Gio wasn't wearing a shirt and this made her cheeks start to heat up. There's just something about seeing a guy's back muscles.

Oh lord, Samarah thought to herself as she admired Gio.

After a while Gio laid down next to Samarah on the couch.

"What are you looking at," he asked with his deep accented voice making its way to her ears.

"Nothing," she said looking down at him but Gio hummed not believing a word she said.

Grabbing the remote Gio pressed play on the movie they were watching while Sy'lence crawled onto the couch and into her mom's lap.

"He's lying mommy," she said cuddling into her mom's chest.

"I know baby," Samarah said placing kisses all over the little girl's face, "he's just a big meany huh," she added.

"Traitors," Gio said, "the both of you," he chuckled.

Quitting down all three of them began tuning into the movie and nearing the end Sy'lence fell asleep.

Covering Sy'lence with a blanket Gio got up and motioned for Samarah to follow him. But she ignored him and sunk down into the couch.

"Come on Samarah," Gio said moving back over to the couch but Samarah shook her head.

Sighing the tired man picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

"Gio," Samarah shrieked out of shock but then quieted down remembering that Sy'lence is sleeping.

"You didn't want to get up," he said nonchalantly.

Samarah began landing hits on Gio's back that barely felt like anything and she noticed that he wasn't having any reaction so Samarah did something that shocked Gio. She slapped his ass.

Gio stopped in his tracks, "Samarah," he said.


"Did you just"

"Yep," she laughed slapping it once again.

A smirk made its way onto Gio's face. Getting to the master bedroom he set Samarah down on the ground and let her walk in but not before giving her a slap on the butt as well.


Laying in bed Gio contemplated telling Samarah about Jhacari but he didn't want to ruin her night so he opted out and decided to tell her in the morning.

Knowing that Jhacari may be close by he decided to have Samarah sleep in his room and after she falls asleep he's gonna go get Sy'lence and put her in her room since it's just across the hall


Hey y'all, 

sooooo here we are lol. 

How did y'all like this chapter (be honest)?

Once again I apologize if this chapter seems so out of place or out of character its been a very long time since I've written anything for this book.

Does Samarah and Gio being playful with each other seem out of place or random? Let me know cause I would love to hear your opinions. 

thank you so much for reading, 

lullingbooks (:

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