Chapter 17

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I Highly recommend listening to Je te laisserai des mots - Patrick Watson (slowed and rain) for this chapter.


As soon as Ella got that text she was in her car and heading toward her grandson's apartment.

Getting up to the apartment Ella knocked on the door loudly so she could be let in. As soon as Gio opened the door she didn't bother to greet him she just walked right past him and went down the hall to the room Samarah was in.

Getting to the door she quietly knocked.

When Myka came to open the door and gave Ella a big hug and told her that she would take Sy'lence with her to the other guest room and wait for the girls to arrive.

Myka knew that there was going to be some more tears and she didn't want Sy'lence to watch or hear about what was happening. At her age, she shouldn't have to worry about these things.

Picking up Sy'lence and setting her on her hip Myka lets Ella give the child a kiss on the head before they exited the room.

Taking off her jacket Ella quickly folds it and gently sets it on the couch that was at the end of the bed before moving toward Samarah.

"Samarah," she said softly sitting next to the woman that was tucked under the thick covers.

Samarah glanced up at the older woman but she didn't say anything she just stayed silent. She was embarrassed about how she reacted. She was mad at herself for harming someone who was just trying to help her.

He's letting Sy'lence and I stay in his home and this is what I do, she thought.

Ella looked down at the vulnerable woman and she could see that she was tired. But not the kind where you can just sleep it off. She was mentally and emotionally tired. Anyone who looked at her would be able to see it because it was written all over her face. She was basically an open book.

During all the years of dealing with Jhacari and the different forms of abuse he put her through she had been keeping it buried away and she didn't even know it. She had been with him since she was 15 and during the six years that they had been together she never reacted or showed the emotions that she did an hour ago.

It was like all the emotions she kept buried away all came rushing to the surface and she lost control of herself. She hit her breaking point.

"Can I hold your hand," Ella said with a small smile trying to look into Samarah's eyes but Samarah wouldn't make eye contact.

Slowly lifting her hand from under the duvet she rested it on top. Allowing Ella to grasp her hand in between both of her smaller hands.

When the coldness from the golden wedding ring that adorned Ella's ring finger touched Samarah's warm hand she flinched a little bit when she felt she felt the cold material.

"Are you cold," Ella said sweetly and Samarah replied by shaking her head no. "Was it my ring," she asked again.

She wanted to try and make Samarah feel "normal" she didn't want to overload her with questions or immediately go into babying her. She just wanted to talk to her like this was a normal conversation. She was trying to make her comfortable so that eventually, they could move into what just happened.

Samarah nodded her head when she heard Ella's second question.

"Sorry about that," she said letting go of Samarah's hand.

"You know I've been wearing this ring for almost 7 years and I've never taken it off," She said looking down at the ring Ruby gave her on their wedding day. "I'm afraid that I will lose it if I take it off so I just keep it on," she added looking down at her ring.

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