Chapter 22

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(Not Edited)


"I wanted to say thank you," Samarah said, "for helping Sy'lence and I."

Samarah was still nervous to be standing near him but she knew he wasn't going to hurt her so that eased her nerves. Looking away from the window that had a view of the glittering lights of the city she connected her eyes with his.

"I also wanted to say sorry for you know," Samarah added gesturing to her neck.

The scratch marks on his neck were still red and his skin had lifted making the marks more visible.

"It's okay it didn't hurt," Giovanni said reassuring her.

His responses were short and straight to the point so immediately after he gave the woman a response he went quiet again. His eyes never once strayed away from her face.

She still didn't have a shirt on she only had on a black sports bra and black sweats that were way too big for her. They were Giovanni's black sweats to be exact.

Samarah went on to ask different questions. Those questions consisted of if he was actually comfortable with her and Sy'lence staying there.

As Samarah rambled on Giovanni sat quietly listening and taking in every word she spoke. Her voice kept his attention.

Samarah wanted to ask more personal questions but she decided against it. She had already asked enough questions so she decided that she would ask Ruby and Ella the next time she was able to talk privately with them.

"Do you have anything that you wanted to say," Samarah blurted out? She honestly didn't care she just wanted to hear him talk because during the whole duration of the conversation he barely spoke.

"I'm usually gone a lot of the time so you and Sy'lence will have the apartment to yourselves most of the time," Giovanni said still maintaining strong eye contact with Samarah. "There aren't a lot of things in the kitchen and you'll probably need to get some things. I'm off for the rest of the week so I can take you to go get them but if you're not comfortable I can get one of the girls to take you," he offered.

"That would be nice," Samarah said, she was now becoming shy under his heavy gaze.

Standing up from the bed he turned to grab his water bottle, "Is that all you need," he asked towering over her 5'8" frame.

"Words," he said, after a while since Samarah seemed to not be listening.

"No," she answered "coming back to reality.

Giovanni's lips twitched slightly but quickly went back to resting naturally.

Crossing her arms Samarah tried to cover her torso The combination of his heavy gaze, intimidating aura, as well as, the fact that he was getting basically a full view of her cleavage. It made her feel really exposed.

Taking a step back Giovanni opened the water bottle and took a sip.

"Do you need some clothes," he asked his eyes momentarily flickering down to her cleavage and exposed stomach that had light stretch marks coming crawling up from her stomach.


Walking out of the room and down the hall, to his room, he opened the door and walked in with a timid Samarah following behind him.

Opening the door to his closest he turned and leaned against the frame.

Samarah was still standing near the door.

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