Chapter 30 (NEW CHAPTER)

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(Short Chapter)


Before falling asleep that night the two adults had stayed up and talked about a wide variety of things but Gio chose to stay away from the topic of Jhacari.

He didn't want her to go to sleep upset or have any nightmares. During the time they've been living together, Gio had willingly stepped into the role of always trying to make sure Samarah and Sy'lence were happy and felt safe.

So although telling the woman about her ex actively looking for her he decides to protect her peace and let her go to sleep feeling safe and loved.

As Gio turned on the movie at went to Netflix he picked a show he and the young woman next to him would watch every morning.

"Are you serious," Samarah said noticing that the show was on a different episode than the two ended off of yesterday.

"Sorry," Gio said. He wasn't sorry at all after he dropped the girls off at Ella's bookstore he went to his "office" and did some work but then he came to a stalemate due to him waiting to hear back from Miriam which took 2 hours so he turned on Netflix and watch 2 episodes of Stranger Things.

"No you're not," Samarah said dramatically, "go back to the episode we were on," she added getting comfortable in bed.

"Not Billy being racist," she said laying her head on Gio's shoulder.

Throughout the episode, Gio got more and more irritated with Samarah for two reasons.

One she would stop talking and giving commentary and two she shifting around which would result in Gio getting elbowed and used like a mattress.

"Samarah," Gio said softly.

"That girl knows she can't drive"


"Where the fuck are their parents"

"Samarah," Gio said a little louder which gained her attention.

"Yes," the woman said propping her chin on his chest and smiling up at him.

"Shut up," he said giving her a sarcastic smile.

He went back to watching the episode and when it got to an intense scene he felt Samarah move off of him but he didn't look at her cause he was too into what was going on in the show.

But quickly the scene ended and he looked over at Samarah to see her all the way across the bed with her back turned to him and that there was a pillow in between them.

Pausing the show Gio sat up on his elbows and sighed.

"C'mon Mara," Gio said using her nickname.

The man reached over to try and pull Samarah closer to him but she slapped his hand away, "no," she hissed.

Gio moved away assuming that she was playing but he knew Samarah was a crybaby and anything could dampen her mood which would always result in her crying so when he heard her sniffle he reached back over and pulled her into his side.

"Non piangere amore," Gio whispered giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Samarah didn't really have a reaction to the kiss on the cheek because in the last month or two had gotten more touchy with each other and when greeting one another they would give each other hugs or kisses on the cheek. In their minds, it wasn't a romantic gesture to them because they weren't in love but between you and me they're delusional and that was a load of bullshit.

They believed it wasn't romantic but often they would find themselves cuddling one another.


The following morning Gio did follow through with his plan of telling Samarah about the information he learned.

Gio wanted to tell Samarah about his job and about how he was working to find him but that was something he knew Samarah wasn't ready to talk about.

"So what now," the emotional woman asked wiping her tears.

"I guess we wait for the police to find him," Gio said rubbing circles on Samarah's hand.

"The police aren't gonna do shit," Samarah said feeling frustrated.

I know, Gio thought.


Hey y'all, 

sorry for the short filler chapter I honestly just want to finish the book lol but I promise y'all will love the end. 

And I just wanna say in the book there won't be a scene where Gio explains his job because I'm too lazy to write that and I don't know how to work it into the plot I have in mind. 

How did y'all like this chapter?

Aren't Samarah and Gio cute? 

There may or may not be smut in the next chapter

thank you for reading, 


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