Chapter 25

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Getting back in the car Gio connected his phone to the car's Bluetooth. While Samarah on the other hand dug around the bag looking for Sy'lence's new toy.

Turning around to hand her daughter the fidget toy she shifted back around in her seat and began to look at all the books to see which one she wanted to read.

"Which one should a read," she asked looking over at Gio.

"Let me see," he said putting his phone away.

Samarah held the books up higher so he could see the titles.

But Gio still couldn't see it the font was too small. All of the tiny words were blurry.

Seeing Gio squint Samarah laughed a little bit.

"That one," he said pointing to the book that was titled Little Women.

Nodding her head in agreement Samarah put the other book away and got comfortable in her seat. They were now heading back to the city but planned to stop at a grocery store before they headed back to the apartment.

The song Glimpse of Us played softly flowed through the car. Providing a comfortable tension and an overall good mood.


While driving Gio thought back to some of the things he noticed while they were shopping.

He had noticed that Samarah and Sy'lence didn't get out a lot. Samarah was obviously used to being out but the way she was looking around at everything. The way she looked around at all of the people they passed by and the way she looked every which way when she heard a loud sound.

Samarah still had some things to deal with and heal from. For right now everything was sugarcoated and sooner or later she would hit her breaking point again. The talks she had with the girls weren't enough. Well, obviously it wasn't enough because when you go through what Samarah went through it will take time to heal.

Sy'lence on the other hand Gio noticed that the little girl was mesmerized by everything she looked at.

Sy'lence only ever went to the diner and occasionally Ella's book store so she was used to seeing people but the shopping center was different. It was a very different location from the diner and bookstore the whole atmosphere was different. The diner and bookstore had a more controlled environment and the shopping center wasn't a controlled environment.

Glancing over at the woman sitting beside him he saw that she was engrossed in her book she was already a couple of chapters in.

Looking in the review mirror he adjusted it so he could see Sy'lence. Getting a good view of her, he saw that she was sleeping.

The little girl's head was tilted back against her seat making her curls frame around her face. Her mouth was slightly open letting soft snores escape and in her right hand, she held her new toy in a tight grip.

Leaning his head back on the headrest Gio tuned back into the music putting his focus back on the road.


Pulling up to the grocery store Samarah took the new bookmark Gio had got her and nestled it in between the pages so she didn't lose her spot.

At the same time, Gio and Samarah got out of the car. Samarah made a move to walk around and get Sy'lence but Gio told her that he would get her.

Opening the car door Gio leaned in and undid Sy'lence's car seat chest clip that was holding her in place. Lifting her out of her sit and out of the car the man fixed her curls since they were a little flat in the back. But when a chilly breeze flew by he made sure Sy'lence's jacket was zipped all the way up and that the hood of her jacket was secure over her head.

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