Chapter 23

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(Not Edited)


Putting his phone in his pocket he exited his room and immediately took a left and stood in front of his office door. Taking out a key he unlocked the door and walked in closing the door behind him.

Giovanni hated walking in the room because 99% of the time it meant that he was going to have to go out and take someone's life.

Not bothering to turn on the light he walks across the room and behind his desk. Pulling a trunk from under his desk he unlocks the hatch and then lifts the heavy lid. Reaching in he grips onto a handle. Pulling it he pulls out a long medium-sized case that contained his gun. Setting that on the ground beside him he pulls out a gun and hids it on his person. Closing the trunk without making too much noise he quickly locks it back and stands up.

Exiting the room he closes and pulls a small black key from his pocket and locks the office door.

Walking down the hallway he makes his way into the main area of the apartment. Coming into view of everyone all at once those who sat at the elongated dining table all looked over to Gio and one by one solemn looks on their faces.

They knew what he was going to go do and they also knew what would happen to him if he didn't leave and go complete his assignment.

Making his way toward the dining table she swooped down and gives both Ella and Ruby kisses on the cheek.

"I'll be back later," he says sounding tired.

Not acknowledging everyone else he walks away. Taking a step toward the kitchen he snatches his off of the island that was placed in the middle of the slightly messy kitchen. Turning away he continues toward the front door and eventually out of the apartment.


Pulling into a vacant parking spot Giovanni parks his car and turns off the engine. Rubbing the back of his neck he reaches over into the passenger seat and opens the case that held his gun. Taking certain parts out of the case he hids them on him in various places. Opening the glove compartment he reaches in a takes out two matching black gloves. He didn't want to leave any fingerprints anywhere.

Taking his keys out of the ignition he steps out of the car. Pressing the lock button twice he walks away from the car regretting what he was about to do.

Giovanni never liked what he did. He never really had a problem with the other jobs he did but with this one the thought of killing someone that could be innocent made his stomach churn.

Entering an elevator he presses the highest floor. He needed to get to the roof. Standing up tall and maintaining a hard exterior Giovanni started straight ahead mentally preparing himself for what he was about to do.

Whenever he would be called to do this type of job his mind would always go somewhere, and he would in a way become a different person. He would go from being nonchalant and quiet to a cocky asshole.

As the elevator rose to reach the top level Giovanni tilted his head side to side he cracks his neck.

He was now ready.

Following the signs that pointed to the stairwell that led to the rooftop, he turned a couple of corners before finding a door that had a sign with red illuminated letters on it.

As he walked through the door and up the stairs Gio kept repeating the same phrase in his head. It's either me or them, he thought over and over.

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