Short Flashback

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Around 2 years ago

"Happy birthday my little minnow," A 19-year-old Samarah said as she laid down next to her now 2-year-old daughter.

Placing her hand on the baby's stomach she leaned forward to give her a kiss on the cheek.

The feeling of her mother's lips on her left cheek made her squeal and giggle. Obviously, at 2 years old she didn't know what love was- hell she barely even knew how to talk- but anyone from the outside looking in could tell that this little girl loved and admired her mom with her whole heart.

Turning her head Sy'lence looked over and her dark coffee-colored eyes peered into her mom's matching ones. Smiling at her mom the little girl's body jerked with excitement.

Sitting up Samarah picked up Sy'lence holding her up so they were face to face.

Nothing could ruin this moment. Not even Jhacari's absence. They had gotten into a fight the previous night and he took off and didn't come back.

"You look so cute," the woman cooed taking in the sight of her happy baby.

Sy'lence was wearing a white teddy bear onesie and her pacifier that was attached to the collar of the onesie has a little graphic design of a smiling Nemo from Finding Nemo on it.

Giving her mom a smile the muscles in her cheeks contracted revealing dimples that she inherited from her father.

Probably the only good thing she got from him.

"Oh look at those dimples," Samarah said placing kisses over them.


The Onesie

The pacifier

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The pacifier

The pacifier

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Hey y'all,

Should I start putting pictures in the story? (ex. outfits, locations, etc.)

I got bored so here's a little flashback I wrote. Y'all can expect to get some flashbacks every now and then.

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