Chapter 20

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For this chapter, I HIGHLY recommend listening to All Night by Beyonce.


After Souline finished talking Ella had gotten up and went to the living room so she could tell Myka to go sit in the room with Samarah, Souline, and Zamora.

When Myka came in and sat on the bed everyone fully introduced themselves and got somewhat comfortable with each other.

"It's your turn to talk," Myka said as everyone quieted down and gave Samarah their attention.

Samarah looked at Myka with a confused face.

"We know you haven't really had anyone to talk to about this so we're here to listen," Zamora explained.

"And if it makes you feel any better we've all been through some shit so there's no need to feel embarrassed. We're not here to judge we hear to listen," Souline added.

Samarah really had no idea what to say or how to respond it was the first time in probably years that people had actually given her the opportunity or time of day to say what was on her mind.

"Just start from the beginning or wherever you're comfortable," Zamora said encouraging the woman.

Shifting the tired baby around in her arms Samarah leaned back against the headboard and began to explain everything that led up to this moment.

"I met Jhacari when I was a freshman," Samarah said, "we had math class together," she added letting out a deep breath before continuing.


Sitting at her desk Samarah discretely packed up her things because if she didn't the teacher would most likely make her stay later. Taking out her earbuds she put them on and selected her playlist. The song My Affection started to make its way to her ears.

When the bell rang she stood up put her backpack on, stood for a little bit, and when mostly everyone was gone she made her way out into the crowded hallway. She hated how crowded the halls were.

Managing to get to her class early since it wasn't that far from her last she sat down, took out her homework from the previous night, and began to scroll on her phone.

She tapped the button on the side of her phone turning up the music and tuning out everything around her. But soon after the first bell rang she felt a presence next to her.

Casually Samarah glanced over and saw the new student, jhacari who transferred yesterday.

Looking back down at her phone Samarah breathed heavily. She had no idea why he was sitting next to her his original seat was across the room not right next to her.

"Hey, can you help me with this real quick," A deep voice said making Samarah turn her attention back to the new student?

Upon connecting his eyes with Samarah, Jhacari licked his lips as his eyes began to roam over her face.


"He would ask me for help with assignments and eventually would start to ask if I could help him in other classes," Samarah said handing Kaori over to Souline and when the baby got comfortable in their mom's arms she continued on telling her truth.

"I said yes and we started to get closer and start to dad. Well, we weren't really dating but on the outside looking in it looked like we were," Samarah explained, "what I mean is he never asked me officially to be in a relationship with him we just started to you know," she added.

All of the women nodded their heads showing that they understood.

"I had gotten pregnant with Samarah when I was around seventeen or eighteen and I still didn't tell my mom about Jhacari. He would tell me that if she or anyone else found out about us being together that they would take him away and make sure I never see him again. Because at the time he was twenty-two and I was seventeen or eighteen. So I believed him and I would lie," Samarah paused as a headache started to form.

"When my mom found out that we were dating and that he got me pregnant shit started going downhill. I had come home from school one day and my mom was home early and trust me she was never home," she let out a sad laugh

"So when I saw that she was home I knew something happened. I went inside and she was sitting on the stairs with my pregnancy test."

Thinking back to that moment Samarah remembered the heart-dropping feeling she felt when she saw her mom sitting on the stairs with the test being held tightly in her hands.

"Next thing I knew she was yelling at me. Calling me all kinds of names a whore, slut, hoe she was telling me how disappointed she was that I opened my legs for a man," Leaning onto Myka she began to cry.

Being told by your parents that you disappointed them and being degraded by them was one of the worst feelings.

"Before she even let me say anything she told me to pack my shit and to get out. I didn't even fight it cause I knew I couldn't win. So I called Jhacari and he came and picked me up. After that things got so complicated and so confusing," Samarah said rubbing her aching chest

"After I graduated he said his job transferred him out here to New York so before I had gotten too far into my pregnancy we moved out here."

It had clicked for all the women it was like a chain reaction. At that moment they now knew that Jhacari preyed on Samarah and he had moved her out to New York to isolate her from her friends and family.

But what they didn't know was that him getting her pregnant was no accident.


Hey y'all,

So the next chapter is gonna get messy so stay on the lookout for the next update.

How did you like this chapter?

Was anything confusing? (If so feel free to ask any questions)

What do you think happened when they moved to New York?

Do y'all want long chapters or multiple that are this length?

Don't worry things are going to get better for Samarah and Sy'lence.

Thank you for reading,


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