Chapter 12

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It was like a mini pandora's box had opened and there were only three simple words to describe this situation. Chaotic, tragic, and perplexing.

Everyone that was in the dining area had rushed over to Giovanni who was holding Samarah. Upon seeing all of these unknown people rush toward Giovanni, her mother, and her. Sy'lence hid behind the Italian man's legs. For Sy'lence if they were out of sight, they were out of mind and it made her less scared and nervous.

"She needs to go to the hospital," Ella said while rushing back toward the table to get her phone.

But that idea was quickly shut down when Samarah began to freak out. She told them that she couldn't afford it.

She didn't have insurance.

Moving around the group to stand by Myka. Miriam took off her noise-canceling headphones and tapped on her best friend's shoulders.

Leaning down a bit Miriam tells her that she can call her sister.

"Okay, I'll tell them. Go to the back where it's quiet so you can call her," Myka said.

And she did Myka put her headphones back on and quickly walked to the kitchen to call her sister and tell her to meet them at Giovanni's apartment which was not too far away.


"Myka go get your car," Ella said dropping her purse on the ground by her feet and gently moving a sleeping Samarah's head onto her lap, "because you have a car seat for Sy'lence," she added already knowing that Myka would question why.

"No," Sy'lence screamed grabbing onto Giovanni's pants leg when he stepped out of the diner holding Ruby's purse- Ruby had asked him to go get it since she had forgotten it in the kitchen.

Ella's face screwed up when Sy'lence yelled. Sy'lence was always a sweet girl to Ruby and her so she had never heard the little girl raise her voice.

"Go ride with Myka it's safer to ride in a car seat," Giovanni said.

The little girl glared up at Giovanni.

"No, now is not the time go get in the car," Gio said pointing at Myka's car once again. He wasn't about to let this little girl run over him and tell him what to do.

Sy'lence let go of his pants leg and crossed her arms. She wasn't about to let Giovanni tell her what to do even if she was starting to warm up to him.

Standing in front of Gio, Sy'lence glared up at him before turning to walk toward his car. Getting up on her toes she tries to reach the handle and open it.

This little girl is gonna give me grey hairs, Giovanni thought.

Following Sy'lence, he put Ruby's purse in the driver's seat so she could reach it from where they sat in the passenger seat.

Bending down he scoops up Sy'lence. Carrying her squirming body to Myka's car.

Putting her in the backseat he closed the door and leaned against it until Myka locked the doors. Before walking away back to his car he caught sight of Sy'lence looking teary-eyed while pouting with her arms crossed.

She just want to ride in his car so she could make sure her mom was okay. She wasn't used to being separated from her mom.

Giovanni felt bad but right now wasn't the time they needed to get Samarah to the doctor.


The door to the guest bedroom closed and Ella, Ruby, and Myka were all in the room along with Miriam's sister Farrah. While Farrah worked on Samarah those who weren't in the room- Giovanni, Sy'lence, Akira, and Miriam- were all laid out throughout the rest of Gio's apartment.

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