Chapter 8

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I highly RECOMMEND listening to Promises by Jhene Aiko (Slowed)

(Not edited)


Laying motionless and unconscious Samarah's body fought for survival. Her heartbeat wasn't strong but it was still working hard to keep beating, her breathing was uneven but her lungs working hard to make sure she can breathe.

It had been a while since Jhacari left and both Samarah and Sy'lence were a wreck.

4 hours ago

"Run Sy'lence," her mother screamed as she was dragged back out of the living room.

Letting out a small cry as her small body hit the floor she got up quickly and ran to the bedroom. Getting up on her toes she locked the door. Reached up and grabbed a pillow off of the bed and crawled under the bed burrowing herself as far away as possible. Far enough to where if someone wanted to grab her they couldn't.

There she lay crying and covering her ears trying to block out the sound of her father's fist connecting with her mother's body and the cries of her mother.

With her hands clamped over her ears, she tries to think of the song her mom would always sing to her.

if anything should happen, Know that you'll be alright, know that you'll be alright. Just promise you'll be alright, promise you'll be alright.

Remembering the song slowed down the tears that fell from her eyes, but it didn't stop the fear that struck her heart. One of her worst fears had come true. All the nights she had seen her father- the man that was supposed to love and protect her and her mother- put his hands on her mom tainted her young mind, and that was something that couldn't be changed.

The sound stopped making her uncover her ears and listen for her mom to call for her, "Sy'lence e mafai ona e sau i fafo nei," (baby you can come out now) is what her mom would say.

One day Samarah decided to come up with something that only she and her baby would know. She went onto google translate and scrolled down and picked a language. Samoan to be exact.

In case she ever needed Sy'lence to stay somewhere and only come out when she told her to she would say these different phrases so that Sy'lence knew it was her. Samarah of course didn't know many languages but she knew these sayings that she could use to communicate with her on a level that no one could comprehend unless they knew these languages.

But most people would assume that a 3-year-old whose parents only speak English would be able to understand this language.

Sy'lence waited, and waited, and waited.

Almost half an hour later and she still didn't hear anything.

Moving from under the bed Sy'lence stood up shaking in fear. Tiptoeing toward the bedroom door she hesitantly put her hand on the door nob.

Never come out until you hear me say, "Sy'lence e mafai ona e sau i fafo nei," her mother said slowly, "do you understand," they added before repeating the saying a couple more times.

The thoughts of what her mom said rang through her head making her take her hand off the handle and go back under the bed. Sy'lence would never go against what her mom said.

"I'll always come back for you no matter what," her mother said kissing her cheek lightly and running her hand over her small curls. The mother swayed them back and forth as Promises by Jhene Aiko played softly in the background.

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