Chapter 9

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Letting out a groan Samarah opened her eyes. A small soft blanket covered only her chest. It was Sy'lence's baby blanket.

The feeling of a hand tightly holding hers made her look down to see Sy'lence holding her hand. The little girl's eyes were constantly scanning over the room listening and watching closely.

Samarah wanted to sit up but everything hurt.

Her lip and right eyebrow had a stinging sensation going on. She now had a busted lip and slip in her eyebrow from all of the blows she took to the face, as well as a bloody nose. Her chest hurt like hell and she was having trouble breathing properly. After she passed out Jhacari had kicked her in the chest and that resulted in a fractured rib.

"Sy sy," Samarah said giving her daughter's hand a small squeeze. The sound of her mom calling her name pulled her out of her "trance."

"Momma," she squealed happily wrapping both of her small arms around her mom's torso. Samarah hissed in pain when the little girl put her weight on her chest.

We need to get out of here, the woman thought using one hand to rub her child's back.

"We're gonna go see grandma, okay," Samarah told Sy'lence referring to Ms. Ruby.

Sy'lence got off of her mom and ran as fast as she could to the bedroom. She came back with a pair of shoes for here and Samarah's all-black work shoes. Sitting down on the ground the little girl put on her white Crocs. She thought that they were going to work.

"No baby we aren't going to work," Samarah said slowly sitting up. Letting out whimpers of pain every now and then as her body adjusted to its new position.

"Then where we going," the little girl asked standing up so she can put her crocs in "sports mode."

"We.. we are going to work we just aren't going there to make money," Samarah thought grabbing on the back of the couch and using it for support as she stood up.

Sy'lence nodded and said okay even though she had no idea what her mom was talking about.

Slowly made her way out of the messy bedroom, down the dimly lit hall, and into the bedroom. Samarah moved around the room as fast as she could and pack up some clothes. Grabbing her most comfortable walking shoes she put them on and then slipped on the backpack.

Looking out of the bedroom window the women saw that it was almost pitch black outside and the only things that could be seen were the street lights and a slightly warm orange glow that illuminated around it barely providing any light.

Moving away from the window Samarah went toward her closet. Moving clothes to the side she saw her gun safe and when she finally unlocked and opened it. She reached in to grab her up ut there was nothing there

Did this nigga take my gun, she thought closing the safe. She let out a huff as she stood up, I'm sick of this shit.

Walking over to where Jhacari kept his things Samarah looked through the draws hoping to find something she could carry cause she wasn't going to go outside at night unless she had something that would do some damage if someone "tried her"

Opening and closing the doors she got to the sock drawer she moved the sock to the side and saw that there was a black switchblade. What a dumbass, Samarah thought thinking about how dumb it is that Jhacari still hides things in his sock drawer.

Picking it up she opened it to see if it was sharp enough to do damage and when she observed the blade she saw that it was a thick matte black blade that had a sharp tip that looked like it could cut through anything.

Perfect, she thought before putting the knife in her pocket. If she did have to use the knife

It would be hard for someone to see that she has one since it's dark outside and because the knife is matte black.

Slowly walking toward the living room holding the injured side of her body Samarah saw Sy'lence laying on the couch. Normally she would tell the little girl to not have her feet on the couch but she didn't give a fuck about this old apartment and she especially didn't care about Jhacari's dirty ass couch.

"Come on Sy'lence," the mother said and a small sigh from the child followed right after, as well as the sound of then stumbling off of the couch.

Walking toward her mother Sy'lence swayed back and forth she was too tired to function. Nearing her mother she moved close enough so she could be wrapped in her small blanket.

As she lifted the child into her arms she stopped and groaned in pain.

"Come, girl, you got this," she said to herself.

Trying again she hoisted her child up and onto her hip and let out a deep breath. The pain she was feeling, was unbearable but she had to deal with it if she wanted to get them out of there.

Samarah had to get out of there before Jhacari returned home because if she didn't leave something even worse might happen.

Samarah had it engraved in her mind that if Jhacari came back and saw that she was alive he would beat her and wouldn't leave until he made sure her heart stopped beating.

Sy'lence wrapped her arms around Samarah's neck and laid her head on her shoulder letting her know that she was ready to go.

Walking out of the apartment she slammed the door shut and kept walking not bothering to lock it.

It wasn't her home anymore so she didn't care.


(Not Edited)

(964 words)

Hey y'all,

Should I make a playlist for this book?

How did y'all like this chapter?

Any feedback (constructive criticism is always welcome)?

Are you ready for the next chapter?

What do you think is gonna happen next?


I'm doing something for school this summer and it will take up a lot of my time (also I already have in mind what I want to happen in the next couple of chapters and I don't want to wait 3 months to write it cause by then I would most likely forget everything) so y'all can expect a bunch of updates in April and May. Because from May 31 to July 11 is my summer school program (I'm trying to get ahead in school). So expect a lot of updates but after the program, I will be getting back to my regular schedule and enjoying my summer.

Thank you for reading,


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