Chapter 18

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Samarah had slept for almost an hour before the two women as well as, the children showed up.

When Gio opened the door he was once again ignored when the two women waltzed in carrying their children on their hips.

Myka had told them to bring their children and to meet her in the left-hand guest bedroom so she could talk to them.

Entering the room Souline set her daughter Kaori on the ground. The child immediately waddled over to Myka. Myka picked the little girl up and set her beside Sy'lence. Entering the room right after Souline, Zamora walked in with a Masiah who was hidden behind her legs.

"Come on in Masiah," Myka said motioning for Masiah to walk toward her.

Looking up he saw Sy'lence sitting on the bed curiously staring at him. Immediately looking away he let out a quiet noise and shyly dug his head into his mom's legs.

"Go on say hi," Zamora encouraged as she rubbed her son's back.

Masiah was a shy kid when it came to meeting new people.

"No," he whispered clutching onto his mom's pants leg.

Walking toward the bed Zamora sat down and looked over toward the little girl who sat cuddled into Myka's side.

"Hi," she said sweetly, "what's your name," she asked.

Sy'lence looked up at Myka who gave her a nod letting her know that it was okay to talk to Zamora.

"Sy'lence," she answered looking back to the unknown woman.

"Nice to meet you Sy'lence. My name is Zamora and this is Masiah," she said introducing herself and her son who was quietly watching the interaction.

"And this is Souline," she said turning around to point to the pregnant woman who stood caressing her stomach as she leaned against the door frame, "and that's little Kaori," she added pointing toward the baby who was right beside Sy'lence leaning onto her shoulder.

"We're here to help your mommy," Souline said taking a seat at the end of the bed, "Is that okay with you," she asked.

Looking between the two women the little girl analyzed them trying to determine if they were good or bad.

Quickly coming to a conclusion she nodded her head.

"You should head in first," Myka said looking over to Zamora.

Zamora was the mother of the group. Even when she was younger she would always try to take care of everyone. Make sure they were fed and doing okay. It most likely came from spending a lot of her time by herself since her mom would always be working. Then, spending her teens raising her little sister and making sure Souline and Emanuel weren't doing anything stupid.

Nodding her head Zamora stood up from the bed and exited the room closing the door behind her.

Once the door closed Souline's attention turned back to Sy'lence.

"So I heard that you were the boss lady around her," Souline said jokingly.

A small smile made its way onto Sy'lence's face. Nodding her head, she became more comfortable with the new woman and two kids that surrounded her.

"Who him," Sy'lence said pointing to the boy who looked about one or two years older than her.

Masiah's eyes widened when he saw Sy'lence point at him. He looked around for someone to help him but Myka and Souline just watched to see if he would introduce himself.

"Who are you," Sy'lence asked gently moving away from Kaori who was leaning on her, and toward the edge of the bed.

Masiah just stared up at her like he saw a ghost.

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