Chapter 7

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I HIGHLY recommend that you listen to Pluto Projector by Rex Orange County (Slowed) on repeat for this chapter.

(Not Edited)


"We are closing a little bit early tonight so he and some of his friends can come and have some dinner," Ella said setting Sy'lence on the ground, "you and Sy'lence are welcome to come," she added before giving Ruby a quick kiss on the cheek and heading out of the office.

She had to get to the bookstore she owned. Samarah had been in there a handful of times and from what she remembered it was a very nice Store. It looked like something you would find on Pinterest.

"Myka is going if that makes you feel any better," Ms. Ruby said while taking a seat behind her desk, "after we close Ella and I are gonna head home, wash up and then come back and start cooking. After your shift you can head home and come back a while before the dinner if you wanna help cook," she added.

Ms. Ruby knew for a fact Samarah knew how to cook. When Sy'lence would hang out with her in the office they would have lunch together and she noticed that Samarah wouldn't pack her daughter any regular snack she would pack her a dessert that tasted like it came from a cafe in the rich part of the city. And Sy'lence likes to share her lunch with Ms. Ruby and Ms. Ruby only so she always got to taste the lunch and her first thought was, Damn she put her foot into this shit, before eating some more.

"I'm so sorry but we can't," Samarah said helping Sy'lence onto the little couch, "we have plans but if they get canceled I'll call."

Leaving the office Samarah immediately regretted what she said. They didn't have any plans she was just too scared that Jhacari would find out about her job, and she didn't want to risk it.


"Alright here are your refills," Samarah said confidently setting cold glasses of lemonade and sweet tea in front of the couple at the table she's covering for the day.

When Samarah started working here it was obvious to those who would get the chance to speak to her especially customers would immediately notice that she was obviously very shy. So one day after a shift Samarah had gone to Ruby's office. Ruby sat samarah down and told her that she needed to work on her confidence.

She didn't sugar coat it she just told her that she needed to work on her confidence.


"Baby imma letting you in on a little secret okay," Ms. Ruby said removing her glasses.

She had noticed that it had been taking Samarah a while to get orders and was hard for her to interact with customers

"If you want this job to be easier for you and if you want to efficiently get those orders," she said looking Samarah in the eye, "you need to be more confident ok. Remember the saying fake it to you make it," she added leaning back in her seat.

"Yes ma'am," Samarah answered breaking eye contact for a second to zip up her child's jacket since it was cold out tonight.

"Alright, so let's apply that to this situation ok. The more confident you are the easier it will be for you to take orders, give orders, and make your money. Scratch that this applies to your whole life confidence will get you farther than you think. I'm saying this because I believe you can make it far in life and live the life those sons of bitches that built this government don't want us to live," she finished standing up.

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