Chapter 26

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The following week Giovanni had gone back to work. The number of things he was being assigned took up so much time. The task of tracking down people and finding them took up so much time even with the help of Miriam who was very tech-savvy it still took hours to find the targets.

So with all the jobs, he's being assigned he really didn't have time to be tracking down Jhacari. Because if he put his more recent assignments on the backburner the backlash of not getting things done would be pretty harmful.

But the only time Gio was able to be at the apartment was early in the morning and late at night.

On the other side of things when Giovanni went back to work Samarah had to tweak her routine a little bit. She would get up early and start her day before Sy'lence would wake up. Her morning consisted of watching tv and drinking coffee with Gio before he had to leave.

Even though they weren't able to as much time as they were able to when he wasn't working they still managed to find some time in the morning to sit down and converse with each other.

Sometimes if Sy'lence woke up to the sound of the TV or the sound of a Keurig making coffee, she would go and "watch" TV with the two adults. The little girl would barely watch TV she would just sit cuddled up next to Gio while she was wrapped up like a burrito by her blanket.

Throughout the day Zamora, Souline, and the kids would come over to keep Samarah and Sy'lence company since Samarah hadn't gone back to work. During the weekdays the women would converse and talk about everything from Zamora and Souline's businesses to things that Samarah wished to do in the future.

Which included moving into her own apartment and potentially writing some books.

On the weekends the newfound friends would wait till Myka was free so they could go out. Myka would assure them that she didn't mind being left out because she wanted Samarah and Sy'lence to get out more but Samarah would insist that she didn't want to leave out Myka since she was a part of their little friend group.

When they would go out the group would go and do child-friendly activities since they did have children with them.

At night, Samarah and her daughter would sometimes go and have dinner with the group, but most of the time they would stay inside and have dinner.

This cycle did continue on for about 2 months until it came to a sudden stop.

Zamora had to head back to California because it was around the time of the year that her bakeries would add and change new things on their menu. So after taking care of the New York location she went to California so she could take care of things.

Souline went to Texas for a dance competition. Even though she wasn't an active dance teacher due to the year she spent in Italy and her pregnancy. She still decided to go surprise her students by showing up to the competition.

This sudden stop had disrupted Samarah's routine. For Samarah routines were very important to her and especially this routine it kept her from spiraling.

In simpler words, the time she spent with everyone had in a way prevented her from getting into her mind and thinking about her past situation. But without the two women that provided her with the constant interaction, she started to spiral.

She started to feel isolated again even though she was able to interact with Sy'lence every day and Gio in the mornings and Myka on the weekends.

It wasn't enough.

The loss of constant interaction had made Samarah get lost in her thought and start going places that made old "wounds" reopen. She began to spiral and no one was really around enough to notice.

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