Chapter 5

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Approaching the apartment building Samarah didn't see Jhacari's car so she quickly made her way up to her unit.

Setting the duffle bag down on the ground and Sy'lence down on her feet next to her she took out her keys to unlock the door.

"Momma is daddy home," Sy'lence said hiding behind and holding onto her mom's pants leg tightly.

"No baby he's not," the mother said leaning down slightly to rub her child's back.

His car was gone so he shouldn't be here.

Unlocking the door she picked up the duffle bag and walked in first scanning the room before motioning for Sy'lence to follow after her.

Walking straight toward the bedroom with Sy'lence quietly trailing behind her. Turning the corner she turns on the hallway light. Getting to the door the mother turned around to see what her daughter was doing since she didn't hear the little girl's footsteps. Looking back she sees Sy'lences little shadow at the end of the hall.

Sy'lence quietly peeks around the corner and getting on the ground she attempts to do a somersault but doesn't get enough momentum to complete the roll so she just falls onto her side. Quickly getting up she puts her back against the wall with her hands clasped tightly together making finger guns while she holds them in from of her face. With her back still on the wall, the made her way down the hall to her mom. Moving off the wall she hid behind her mom's leg with her finger guns in position ready to "fire".

Letting out a small laugh Samarah opened the door and before she could walk in her little girl jumped out from behind her legs and walked in the room with her "gun" raised. When Samarah tried to walk in Sy'lence held up her hand motioning for her to wait.

Glancing around the room Sy'lence put her "gun" on her hip.

"Coast is clear," she said motioning for her mom to enter the room before turning to try and jump on the bed but failed since she is too short.

Dropping the duffle bag beside the bed Samarah gently lifted Samarah off the ground.

"Let's take a bath before you get in the bed," She said unzipping the child's jacket and removing their shoes.

Samarah hated getting in bed or sitting in her bed if she didn't get in the bath first or if she went outside and didn't change her clothes.


Leaving Sy'lence in the bedroom to watch her monster movies aka. Monsters Inc. and Monsters University. Leaving the volume a little bit low so she can hear her baby and her baby can hear her.

Sitting in the living room Samarah sat on the couch thinking of what to do next. She had about 4 hours left before Jhacari would come home from "work" and she didn't know what to do.

So she did what she always did when she and Jhacari got into arguments. She cleaned and cooked dinner.

Ever since they moved in together wherever they would have a disagreement that would cause Jhacari to feel angry toward her she would clean their apartment and cook him dinner as a way to make him "forget" what happened so the situation wouldn't get any worse.

Finishing up her first task she sweeps the floors and looks around for anything else that needs to be cleaned. Before moving into the kitchen and cooking something quickly.

With about one hour left before he gets back, Samarah decided on making fried chicken sandwiches and chicken fingers for Sy'lence.

Setting everything on the table Samarah anxiously adjusted the plates and poured drinks into the cups as well as some apple juice in Sy'lences Juice cup.

Hearing the door open Samarah froze.

Stay calm and he won't do anything, she told herself, Stay calm and everything will go be okay.

Jhacari entered the apartment. Grinning at the sight of a spotless living room and the smell of fried chicken.

She came back, he thought.

He shook his head grinning knowing that he still had control over Samarah and that she would always come back.


(776 words)

Hey y'all,

How are y'all doing?

I should've just added this to the beginning of the next chapter but it's whatever?

Our main man will be arriving soon 😏

Let me know your thoughts about the book so far (constructive criticism is welcome)?

Don't be a silent reader I love seeing y'all comment it makes my day?

See y'all in the next chapter,



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