Chapter 6

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Here's another chapter for this month since I'm feeling a little generous today.


1 year later

After that night this did in a way go back to normal Jhacari would continue to leave early in the morning and come back late at night. But Samarah on the other hand got in contact with Ms. Ruby and got a job as a waitress.

Samarah didn't really trust childcare facilities in the area so Ms. Ruby didn't mind that Sy'lence came to work with her. She would just sit in the office with her little "grandbaby" and watch movies and "gossip". Her shift ended early enough so that she could get home before Jhaccari and make dinner. Samarah also finally opened up her own bank account so she could keep track of her money.

But Jhacari knew none of this he had no idea that she got a job and was making her own money. He also had no idea that Samarah had gotten used to going outside, got a job, opened a bank account, and was planning on using the money she has saved up to move out and leave him behind.

After Jhacari left earlier this morning Samarah quickly got up and got ready for work. Taking a shower she put her hair in a slick bun and put on her waitress uniform. Getting Sy'lence up she put her in some sweats and hoodie so she would be comfortable if she fell asleep and put her hair in a high but with her curls making a small puff and did her edges.

She looked like a little baby doll.

(Minus the shoes cause our girl is broke but not for long also Stormi isn't the faceclaim for Sy'lence I just like the outfits Kylie dresses her in)

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(Minus the shoes cause our girl is broke but not for long also Stormi isn't the faceclaim for Sy'lence I just like the outfits Kylie dresses her in)

Putting on her work shoes she stood up and secured the backpack that had some snacks, toys for Sy'lence, and a picture book for her as well. She wanted Sy'lence to start reading early so when they had enough money to go to the bookstore frequently she would have a shopping buddy that actually wanted to be there. She also had extra clothes in case Sy'lence had an accident.

Moving toward the bed she picked up a sleepy Sy'lence.

"Good mornin mommy," she said slowly tucking her head in the crook of her mom's neck.

"Good morning baby," the mother said rubbing her baby's back.

Holding Sy'lence in one arm she adjust the covers on the bed since her little girl messed up the covers by laying on it after she made the bed.

Turning off the light she walked out of the room but stopped when her phone vibrated in her back pocket.


I'm outside do you need any help with Sy

"we're good I'm on my way down rt now," she typed out before checking her spelling and sending it.

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