Chapter 31 (NEW CHAPTER)

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Trigger Warning: Sexual Content


One month later

Things between Samarah and Gio had started to take a turn neither of them had expected.

Romance began to bloom.


One week ago

After Gio told her about what was going on he repeatedly reassured her that she and Sy'lence were safe. She just felt uneasy. As would anyone in her position.

And she continued to feel uneasy for the next two weeks. Her worries were eating her up inside. Gio told her that the police would find him. But how could he know that? They lived in New York and Jhacari was a sneaky motherfucker so her best bet was doing what she did best. Staying inside.

Gio's apartment was in the more wealthier part of New York so it did calm her nerves because the building had a lot of security. But she was becoming more and more stir-crazy.

Gio began to catch on to that so this morning he decided that he and Samarah should spend the day together. He wanted to bring her out of the rut she was in so she could remain happy while he and Miriam continued looking for Jhacari.

Getting up early Gio called Zamora who had just gotten back in town a couple days ago and asked if Sy'lence could maybe have a sleepover with Masiah or if she could have a girl day with Sy'lence.

Zamora being the kind woman she is said of course to both. Zamora always wanted a daughter that she could just have girl days with and Masiah needed to break out of his shell and Sy'lence could definitely help him with that.

"Just let me know when Samarah gives the ok," Zamora said softly.

Going into the kitchen Gio began to brew some coffee for him and Samarah.

His made it exactly how he liked it and made Samarah her coffee. She's been making herself ice coffee every morning now since it was getting hotter outside, So Gio did just that.


"Mara she's gonna be fine she'll be with Zamora and Emanuel," Gio said trying to reason with the anxious woman.

Samarah was hesitant But Gio was good at calming Samarah down and helped when she took note that Gio didn't trust many people so the face that he trust Zamora and emanuel settled her nerves.

"It'll be fine she can go have fun with Masiah and we can stay inside and cook dinner and watch all the movies you want," the man said.

"Fine but I get to cook this time," she said it had been awhile since she had some soul food.

"Of course," Gio said with a smile, "make a list of all the ingredients and snack you want me to get and I'll run to the store to get it," he added standing up and giving the shorter woman a kiss on the cheek before walking to his closet to get dressed.

Sitting down on the bed Samarah Began to write down all the ingredients for her favorite mean. Fried tilapia, collard greens, corn, and half loaded baked potatoes. Every sunday her grandmother woul make her this meal after they got home from church.

The mean brough her so much nostalgia and comfort so this was the perfect meal. As for snacks she just wanted gushers and maybe popcorn since they were watching a bunch of movies tonight.

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