Chapter 33 (NEW CHAPTER)

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 Feeling a sharp pain in his back Giovanni's eyes flew open. Coming to his senses he looked around and saw two blurry figures sitting beside him. 

A bright light was shined in his eyes making him squint and try to move away. 

When the bright light moved away a face came into his view and Gio could see their mouth moving but he couldn't hear anything they said. All he could hear was a loud ringing noise. 

It sounded like the never-ending sound of a gun being shot. It was a sound he knew all too well. But the sound stopped when an ear-piercing cry burst through. 

Sy'lence, he thought. 

Looking to his right he reached out to the crying girl. 

"Gio try to stay still, okay," Samarah said through her cries. 

But he ignored her in his mind his little girl was crying and he needed to calm her down. 

As Gio tried to reach over again the ambulance came to a jolting stop. Being removed from the ambulance the sound of Sy'lence and Samarah's cries faded into the sound of frantic talking. 

"We have a 28-year-old with 2 gunshot wounds to the back," a voice said, and soon the pain that was caused by being touched and moved made Gio's vision go black once again. 


Sitting in the waiting room Samarah stood pacing back and forth while an exhausted Sy'lence lay asleep across two seats. 

"Ruby," Samarah whimpered when the call went through. 

"Samarah, baby what's wrong," Ruby asked. 

"It's Gio," She cried, "he shot him ruby," she added. 

"Samarah who shot who," she said. 

"Jhacari shot Gio," Samarah sobbed, "we're at the white plains hospital."

"Okay stay where you're at Ella is on her way," Ruby said, she was currently at work but she texted Ella to go to the hospital. 

After hanging up the phone the crying woman sat down and wrapped her arms around her shaking frame. 

Anyone who stumbled upon this sight could tell something terrible happened. 

Samarah sat in the seat curled into a ball. Her clothes were covered in her lover's blood. 

All she could do was sit and wait for Ella to show up and for a doctor to come and update her on what was going on. 


The waiting room was now filled. After hanging up with Samarah, Ruby frantically ran to her room and called Ella and then she called the first three people that came to mind Souline, Zamora, and Myka. 

And she didn't have a car tonight so she got a ride from London. One of the waitresses that Samarah and Myka were close with. 

Emotions were running high and Samarah kept apologizing to Ella and Ruby. 

Samarah thought that it was her fault and that Jhacari shot Giovanni out of jealousy but that was partially true. 

Standing up Ella walked over to Samarah, "I need to tell you something," she said wiping some tears from her eyes. 

Ella couldn't bear seeing Samarah torture herself any further and she knew that Samarah needed to know the truth. 

"Akira you too," Ella said motioning for Myka's girlfriend to follow them. 


"What I want you to understand is that Gio was forced into this life and that he is forced to do these things because if he doesn't do what he's told the consequences can be horrible," Ella explained as the trio slowly made their way down the hallway. 

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