Chapter 10

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Hey guys this chapter is about 2.5k which is the longest chapter I've ever written.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote I love reading and replying to y'alls comments.

I recommend listening to 4th Baby Mama by Summer Walker it doesn't really match the chapter but I listed to it a few times while writing this chapter.

(Not Edited)


2 hours ago

"Ella if you don't get away from that pot," Ruby said cutting up some sausage links for the gumbo.

Ella stood in front of the steaming pot with her arms crossed watching as steamrolled off of the roux.

"I'm not doing anything love I'm just watching," Ella said adjusting her glasses.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah back away from my gumbo," Ruby said carrying her cut board over to the pot.

Ella moved out of the way and watched as her wife moved around the kitchen working efficiently to prepare dinner for everyone. She had offered to help but Ruby never really liked anyone helping her whenever she was cooking.

"Do you think Samarah and Sy'lence will come to the dinner," Ella asked leaning against the counter.

Ella really liked Samarah, and as soon as she met Samarah she knew that she and Giovanni would get along well.

Turning toward her wife Ruby put her hand on her hip, "you better not be trying to set her up with Giovanni. I told you that she needs time to heal since she got out of that relationship," Ruby said.

Ruby had no idea that Samarah was still with Jhacari even after she started working at the diner. The night they met she thought that the girl had never gone back since she saw the big bag that Samarah hid under the table when they ate dinner there a year ago.

But you should never assume things.

"I'm not trying to set them up," Ella answered trying not to make eye contact with Ruby.

"Ella I'm not playin with you," Ruby said turning back to the pot and putting a top on it, "Remember when Gio was a senior in high school and you set him up with that lil' boy that worked at the bookstore."

"Yes, they were a good couple," Ella said standing up straight and putting her hands on her hips.

"And do you remember when he came home crying on his homecoming night because that boy cheating on him," Ruby said making Ella go quiet?

"Beh merda," Ella said under her breath (well shit).

"Sì beh merda," Ruby whispered (Yeah well shit).


"Move bitch I'm with child," a woman hisses from the dining room area.

"Shut up you're barely pregnant," a man replies back. The sound of someone getting hit or slapped followed after.

Walking out of the kitchen Ella looks over to the entrance to see who it is. She saw Souline standing there rubbing her small bump and Cairo quietly standing there rubbing the back of his head.

Souline was probably Ella's favorite out of everyone in Giovanni's little friend group. If you asked Ella about Souline she would say that Souline had a very colorful personality and had "no filter."

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