Chapter 11

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(Not edited)


Getting in the drivers seat Giovanni closed his door, wrapped the towel back around his raw bleeding fist, and look over at the woman and her daughter.

The woman had her head leaning back against the headrest trying her hardest to avoid eye contact while the little girl in her lap was glaring at him with the "meanest" glare on her face with he arms crossed. Giovanni was about to laugh at how adorable the little girl looked but he decided against it cause now wasn't the time to laugh.

Putting on his seatbelt her shifted the car into drive and took one more glance at the woman. Her head had shifted toward him, her eyes were scanning over his face and watching his body language.

She wasn't watching because she thought he was attractive and she just wanted to stare. I mean she did think he was attractive but she didn't know him and she was in a car with him and she had her child with her. So had her right hand in the pocket of her sweats. She had a tight grip on her knife.

Observing him as he drove she noticed that he was wearing a black suit. He's probably a businessman, she thought, but then she saw the towel he had wrapped around his fist.

"Don't worry about it," he said making a u-turn.

He had noticed that her focus stayed on his hand longer than it did any other part of him.

Moving her eyes away from his hand her cocoa-coloured eyes scanned over his face trying to remember exactly what he looked like incase something happen.

Taking in his hair she noted that his hair was dark brown almost black hair. Moving her eyes lower she saw that he had long eyelashes would touch the lightly touch his cheeks everytime he blinked. He had a couple of small freckles but he had one very noticeable one in the corner right below his left eye.

Turning his head Giovanni caught her staring again but this time she didn't look away she continued analyzing him.

This gave him time to see what she looked like since the light inside of the car hadn't turned off yet. Swiftly and discreetly switching back and forth between looking at the road and the woman and child sitting in his passenger seat.

Before the light turns off Giovanni caught sight of the injuries the woman had on her face before she turned away. She had a busted lip and the blood from the injury had oozed down her chin and dried up, she had a slit in her right eyebrow the blood had already dried up but the slit would definitely scar over.

The biggest injury on her face was probably her nose. It was still bleeding and it seemed to be a little crooked but that may have just been the angle that he was seeing it at.

It was clear that she was beaten by a man. That fact was confirmed by the bruises that stained her melenated skin. The bruises where in the shape of two hand prints and they were wrapped around her neck.

His jaw tightened the thought of a man choking and beating on this woman sitting next to him. Grabbing the cloth from his suit pocket he handed it to her but it was snatched out off his hand but it was snatched out of his hand by a small hand.

The little girl he now knows as Sy'lence had snatched the cloth out of his hand. Looking over he saw the little girl unfold the cloth, quickly observe it before looking back at Giovanni.

Lifting his hand he saw the little girl flinch and curl into her mom hiding her face in her moms jacket.

She thought that Giovanni was going to hit her.

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