Chapter 36 (NEW CHAPTER)

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2 Days later

Per request of Ella no one did anything. Everyone followed instructions and didn't make a move. They only focused on Gio's recovery. 

Everyone still had to go to work but when they had time they would stop by to check on Gio, but majority of the time it was just Gio, Samarah and little Sy'lence. 

"Sy'lence don't touch that," Samarah said through pursed lips. 

Sy'lence reached forward again ignoring her moms words so Samarah quickly reached forward the pull the little girl back before she could touch the medical equipment. 

"What did I just say," she said to quietly since Gio was currently resting his eyes. 

"Don't touch that," the little girl replied quietly pointing at the equipment she was trying to play with. 

"If you know what I said then why didn't you listen," Samarah asked.

Recently Sy'lence was acting out more than usual and Samarah knew why but she wasn't going to let that slide. 

"Because I wanted to touch it," Sy'lence answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

Letting out a small sigh Samarah looked over at Gio and saw that he was now alert and was looking at the small television they had in the room. 

Reaching into her bag she carried she took out one of Sy'lence's books. 

"Go see if Gio wants you to read to him," she said handing the little girl the book. 


"L is knotted up like a tie," Sy'lence read out loud pointing at the letter on the page so Gio could see. 

Looking at the letter, he nodded, letting Sy'lence know she could continue. 

Feeling tired once again the man leaned back into a more comfortable position. He kept his head on the little girl's shoulder so he could still see the book. 

Yawning Sy'lence leaned her head into Gio's, and eventually began to try and crawl onto Gio so she could lie down. 

"Sy don't d-," Samarah started but was cut off when Gio shot her a look telling her that it was okay. 

Nodding her head she got up, took the book off of the bed, and pulled Sy'lence's blanket over her and Gio. 

"I'm gonna go get me a drink but I'll be right back," the woman said quietly leaning down to whisper in Gio's ear. 

"Okay," Gio's raspy voice said before moving his head around the give his girlfriend a kiss. 

Leaving the room Samarah quietly closed the door before making her way down the hall.

Walking past the nursing desk she nodded her head acknowledging the night shift nurse and the man returned the gesture.  

Walking out of the outpatient part of the hospital she made her way to the vending machine and bought two large water bottles and some apple juice for Sy'lence. 

Before heading up Samarah made her way to the near-empty cafeteria.  

So much has happened in the past couple of days so she wanted to take some time and just be alone. 

Sliding into an empty booth she cracked open one of the water bottles and began to talk small sips. 

She didn't know what she was doing but all she knew was that she was going to sit there and relax.  

Leaning her head back she looked around the cafeteria and her eyes eventually landed on a television. 

"We are currently flying above the scene of the fire and as you can see the first responders are working diligently to contain the flames but it seems that nothing can put it out. The area has been evacuated and we have just gotten news from someone that lives in the area and they say that this building has been in possession of a local gang for months," the news reporter says. 


Getting to the floor Gio was on Samarah pressed the button and waited for the night shift nurse to buzz her back in. 

As soon as she heard a click she quickly but quietly made her way through the floor and to Gio's room. 

Opening the door she went to Gio's bedside and grabbed the small remote turning the television on but leaving the volume low. 

"Gio," Samarah whispered going to tap him on the shoulder but before she could even touch him his eyes were open and looking around to see what she needed. 

"Look," she said pointing to the TV. 

"It has now been confirmed that there have been 3 casualties," the news woman she seriously. 

"The unexpected fire has taken the lives of 26 year old Jhacari Perez, 25 year old Malakai Carter, and 23 year old London Moore. It seems the fire was caused by a gas leak. The building was originally abandoned due to the number of health and safety violations..." 

Wiping a tear from her cheek Samarah looked over at Gio, "he's gone," she said. 


Well this ended was ass. 

umm anyways.

Hey loves, 

I already know some of y'all aren't going to like this ended but I feel like I've been dragging this book out for so long, so I just needed to end it and put it to rest. 

thank you for reading, 


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