Chapter 28

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Hey y'all,

So this chapter was way too good to not post so I hope y'all enjoy it. Don't forget to comment and vote 🤍


"So has anything interesting happened lately," Ella said taking a sip from her coffee, she tried to say it as casually as she could but it was obvious that she was fishing for something specific.

Ella knew that Samarah was still healing from her previous relationship. But whenever she would go hand hang out at the apartment she saw how Gio and her interacted.

"Well I'm planning on going back to work on Friday," Samarah answered, playing with Sy'lence's curls.

The smile on Ella's face faltered she was happy that Samarah would be going to work but she was hoping to hear something else.

"So what brings you, pretty ladies, by today," Ella asked getting up from the couch to throw away her empty cup.

Samarah didn't know what to say because she honestly didn't know what she was going to do today. Gio suggested that she and Sy'lence go hang out with Ella today so she just agreed not really thinking.

"We just stopped by to hang out and help a little," Samarah answered after taking a quick second to go over what she was going to say, "right baby," she added looking down at her daughter who sat close to her.

"Yes," the little girl answered dragging out the word as she smiled up at her mom.

After that, the two adults just made small talk while they waited for Ella's four employees to show up.

During the conversation, Ella made sure to stay away from the topic of her past relationship. In Ella's mind, she has said everything she needed to say to Samarah but if Samarah did want to talk about it Ella would be open to listening to what Samarah had to say.

"Do you know when Zamora and Souline are coming back into town," Ella asked crossing her legs as she leaned back onto the plush couch.

"Yes, Zamora is coming back next week. She said she was going to come back this week but she had some things to take care of and she wanted Masiah to spend some time with his cousin," she answered fidgeting with her phone case. On one of the recent group outings, she was able to get a new phone.

Sy'lence who was on the 2nd floor of the bookstore playing in the kid's area froze when she heard her friend's name, Mesiah. The store was empty so she could clearly hear everything.


An hour before opening the employees slowly started to trickle in.

The first to arrive was Anthony and Yesenia, the two teens were best friends. Ella's bookstore was Ezequiel's favorite bookstore favorite and he convinced Kataleya to work there when they were old enough. So when they were old enough they both applied.

"Hi Ella," both Anthony and Yesenia said as they entered the reading corner.

"Goodmorning," Ella said standing up to greet her two employees by giving them both hugs.

Ella always treated her employees like they were her own grandchildren. Although this may not seem like a good idea to other but for Ella having this connection with her workers makes the work environment more comfortable for everyone.

For Ella, it's hard for her to spend a long amount of time with people she is comfortable with. So by creating this Grandmother and grandchild relationship it helps her be more comfortable around the teens she hired.

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