Chapter 24

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Over the course of a couple of days, Samarah began to feel more comfortable in Giovanni's apartment being there and living there started to feel more natural. Sy'lence had also made herself feel very at home. Well, she made herself feel at home the moment she stepped foot in Gio's apartment but that's beside the point.

Samarah had developed a routine that obviously included her daughter but eventually, she let the routine include Gio. She had accepted that she was now living with another man and that the man would now have a part in her life.

In the morning Samarah would wake up and find Gio sitting in the living room sitting on the couch watching tv and typing away on his computer.

During that time Samarah would feel bad if she just turned around and walk back to her room so she would grab herself some coffee or a drink and sit on the couch next to Gio and watch some TV.

After about a day Giovanni and Samarah eventually struck up some conversation. It then became a daily thing and led to Samarah feeling comfortable talking and interacting with him.

Sy'lence would beg Gio to get her some movies and Samarah insisted that he didn't have to get the movies but he would anyway because when Samarah wasn't around Sy'lence would threaten Gio.

The little girl would say that if Gio didn't get her the movies then she would "snatch his ankles." After Gio heard that he determined that the little girl had adopted some of her sassiness from Ruby.

Gio would eventually rent the little movies and Sy'lence would force Gio to watch them with her and her mom.

Sy'lence had also grown increasingly more attached to Giovanni and anyone who would watch how they would interact could see that.

Giovanni was an early bird as well as a night owl so he would be up very early and very late. During the very late nights Gio would be in his room reading, doing some work on his computer, or just up watching TV. During that time several times Gio would hear faint crying and when he would come out of his room to see what was going on it would be coming from the other guest room that was across from Samarah's room.

Gio had offered up the room to Sy'lence because the little girl had already basically claimed the room as her "nap time room" and "playroom". So when Samarah said that it was okay for Sy'lence to stay in there.

During those times that Sy'lence would wake up, Gio would always get to Sy'lence first because he was already awake and alert when the crying would start. Samarah on the other hand couldn't hear the crying most of the time because the walls in the apartment made it hard to hear.

As well as, the fact that her body had "determined" that she was in a good environment so that allowed her to get good sleep aka. become a heavy sleeper. Gio noticed that and so he wouldn't go and wake Samarah up because he was giving her some "time off". After everything she'd been through she deserved to at least get a full night's rest.


It was now Saturday and Gio was going to take Samarah and Sy'lence to pick up some things they needed since everything that Samarah packed in her duffle bag wasn't enough.

Myka had brought Samarah some jeans and a shirt that she could wear and went and got Sy'lence a little outfit to wear. But honestly, the clothes didn't fit but Samarah was very grateful that her friend had bought her some clothes. She just wanted to get some clothes that were comfortable and that actually fit.

Samarah had also asked Myka if she could borrow some makeup that she could use to cover up her bruises and make her injuries a little less noticeable. So yesterday Myka stopped by to bring Samarah some makeup.

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