Chapter 19

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Sitting on the edge of the bed Zamora talked to Samarah. When it came to this Zamora was very good at comforting someone. If they felt embarrassed- like Samarah felt at the moment- she was able to make them feel less embarrassed. If they were scared she was able to help them get to the point where they were at least less scared.

"You did amazing," she said maintaining eye contact with Samarah.

Zamora and Ella were able to get Samarah to sit up on her own and get from under the blanket.

When Samarah was leaning onto Ella and holding her hand she felt like a little girl again. In that moment she felt like Ella was her grandma and the big duvet that covered her body was like a security blanket.

Samarah felt like it hid her from the world.

"Thank you," Samarah said, also maintaining eye contact.

Listening to Samarah talk all Ella could see was a young woman whose emotions and feelings were rushing out of her as if floodgates were opened, and she didn't know how to handle it.

Observing Samarah all Zamora could see was a woman who needed to be loved on. A woman who for a long time probably only had one strong source of love, her daughter.

"I had a chance to talk to Sy'lence and I can tell that you did an amazing job raising her," Zamora said complementing the woman's parenting.

Samarah's tired eyes suddenly had a bright gleam in them. A small smile made its way onto Samarah's face when she saw some life go back into the woman's eyes.

"You're an amazing mom Samarah," Ella chimed in.


Souline wanted to go talk to Samarah but Myka told her that Sy'lence and Samarah would be staying here until she was able to get her apartment and have enough money to pay bills and rent. If everyone talked to Samarah and got her comfortable she would be comfortable enough to stay here for a while. But with Sy'lence from what every one has seen so far, they would definitely have to get her comfortable with having Giovanni around because no one wants her being scared all the time.

"Sweetie he isn't a bad man he was trying to help your momma," Souline said to the little girl, slowly squatting down.

Sy'lence shook her head not believing Souline.

"I saw it he bad," Sy'lence said keeping her and an annoyed Masiah.

Masiah was looking at Gio with a look that screams "help me."

"No baby he's good," she said, "right Gio," she added looking back at him with the kind of look a mother gives her child when they want them to just shut up and agree with them.

Gio just gives her a tired look and nods but when he looks at Sy'lence the look on his face changes.

Sy'lence sees the look on his face and loosens up her grip on Masiah.

"Are you sure," Sy'lence whispers to Souline while side-eyeing the tall man.

"I promise," the woman answered.

Fine, Sy'lence thought.

Letting go of Masiah's hand Sy'lence slowly moves toward Gio. Everyone was watching her movements.

Peering up at Gio Sy'lence's face stays blank and void of emotion. Suddenly she motions for Gio to squat down so she can talk to him.

When he gets close enough Sy'lence lands a hit on his knee.

"Friends again," Sy'lence said, holding up her small hand so they can shake hands. But in her mind, she would be friends with him again but she wasn't going to fully trust him.

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