Giovanni's POV (Ch. 1 - pt.1)

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Around 1 year ago

"Assicurati che non scappino o ci saranno delle conseguenze," A man's voice said resonating through Giovanni's car as he rounded around a corner and pulled down a street (Make sure they don't get away or there will be consequences).

Letting out a huff Giovanni hung up the phone before leaning back in his seat. He was done with everyone's bullshit he just wanted to go back to his apartment and lay in his bed..

Picking up his phone again he scrolled through his recent calls and clicked on Cairo's contact and then pressed the phone call icon.

"I swear to God Gio can't you call someone else," A woman hisses through the phone.

"You don't even know what I am going to ask," Giovanni replied with a small smile making its way onto his face.

"No, I do and the answer is no," she replied as the sound of a movie and a child giggling came from the background.

"Come on Souline I just need him for three hours and he'll be back before you know it," Giovanni said merging onto the highway.

Souline sighed before turning around to look at her husband that was on the couch watching Megamind with their son.

"Fine but Gio if I wake up in the morning and he's not laying beside me I will be waiting for you in your apartment with my gun," Souline said lowly turning back to face the kitchen.

Chuckling at her threat Giovanni presses a button and the call connects to his car's Bluetooth.

"Giovanni, no juego, si mi hijo se despierta y me pregunta dónde está su papá, te perseguiré a ti y a él," Souline said leaning against the marble counter (Giovanni I'm not playing. If my son wakes up and asks me where is daddy is. I'll hunt you and him down).

"Let him know and I'll send him the info," Giovanni said pressing the accelerator making his car go faster, "and tell my nephew I said hi," he added.

"Go fuck yourself," Souline said.

Souline could come off as a bitch to those who don't know her personally but she just has a very "unique" way of showing her love. Or she is just more violent toward men.

"Yea mm-hmm love you too," Giovanni replied before hanging up.


Pulling up to the high-class bar he parked down the street. So if he needed to leave quickly he wouldn't get caught in any traffic.

Taking off his seat belt he shifted around in his seat grabbing the things he needed. Picking up his gun he hid it in the holster that was hidden underneath his black suit jacket, As well as, hiding two knives.

Giovanni always hid weapons on him whenever he was sent to do these kinds of jobs. During these jobs, he always had a gun, ammo, two knives, and a razer hidden in his mouth.

Stepping out of his black jeep he clicked the lock button twice before putting the keys away.

Approaching the bar entrance he put his hand on the grimy golden handle. Seeing a couple approach the door as well he stepped to the side and opened the door wider to let them walk in first.

Watching them he watched as the woman walked past she wore a dress that put her collarbones on display and well as reveals a bit of cleavage. The fabric fit snugly against her figure so as she walked her round hips swayed side to side. Remembering that she was a taken woman and was literally with her significant other he obverted his eyes but not before catching sight of her plump ass.

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