Chapter 21

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From a young age, Jhacari always felt the need to control everything. Obviously there's no way you can control everything. There are too many aspects in life and so there is no way you can control all of them.

His life was spinning out of control but when he transferred schools at the beginning of his senior he wanted some kind of control he wanted to feel like he was in control.

So when his math teacher sat him next to a doe-eyed freshman he asked her for help. Immediately after he asked for help she complied and helped, he asked again and she helped.

Samarah rarely said no and he took advantage of that. So when he asked her to go on a date she said yes.

When her senior year was coming to an end Jhacari knew that if she went off to college she would leave him behind and he would lose control over her. So from that moment on, he decided that every time they were intimate he wouldn't use a condom.

Somewhere in his mind, he thought that if they had a baby Samarah would stay with him and need him.

There was no amount of justification or explanation that could prove that what Jhacari did wasn't wrong. He was a fucked up piece of shit and there was no if, ands, or buts about it.


"Things were good when we got to New York. We had fun and made due with what we had," Samarah said sitting up on her own once again, "We would go out sightseeing, shop for baby clothes, you know. We were in our honeymoon phase," she added using her hands to put quotation marks around the word honeymoon.

Things were great until they weren't after a while Jhacari would start to tell her certain things. He would tell her about all the crime and dangerous things that would happen to people.

Jhacari would slowly stop taking Samarah out on dates and when he would ask her if she wanted to go out she would say no. At that point, Jhacari had gotten in her head and he knew that.

During that time Jhacari had convinced Samarah that she didn't need a job he would tell her his job gave them enough money and he proved that to her by buying things she and Sy'lence would need.

"It started to get to the point where I was kinda scared to go outside," Samarah said, All the things Jhacari told Samarah got into her head.

As She continued talking she got closer to more recent events and then she didn't want to talk about them. The physical and emotional wounds from these events were too fresh and were still painful.

"Can I stop talking now," Samarah asked not making eye contact with anyone?

"Of course, you can and when you ready you can come talk to any of us," Zamora said gently taking a hold of the younger woman's hand and giving it a small squeeze.

"Yeah before we leave we'll make sure you have our numbers in case you need anything," Souline said gently patting Kaori on the back.

Speaking up Myka changed the subject and the women moved on to another topic.


Making her way into the building Ruby tightly clutched the bags of food in her hands and the cold air collided with her warm skin. Shaking off the cold feeling she walked past the lobby and to the closest elevator.

Getting on she pressed Giovanni's floor number and leaned against the wall. Before the elevator could close a middle-aged man stepped onto the elevator. Looking down at Ruby with a hateful look on his face. Getting her phone out of her jacket pocket she held it tightly in her hand.

The tension in the air was making Ruby nervous. Keeping her eyes trained on the elevator doors she waited for it to stop at Gio's floor. As soon as the doors slide open Ruby moved away from the wall of the elevator and swiftly made her way out. Discreetly glancing back she saw the made still looking. He had disgust written all over his face.

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