Chapter 27

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For this chapter, I listened to A Change is Gonna Come - Mono; 2008 by Otis Redding (this exact version) so y'all should listen to it if you want to. I'm gonna start putting songs that match the chapters as well as songs that match the chapter. Since I know people listen to music while reading


"I'm sorry," the seventeen-year-old boy murmured, lowering his head in shame as he stood in front of his father.

But in that moment his dad wasn't his dad, he was his boss.

This was the first assignment that he had failed to complete. After a year of working this job, he never knew what would happen if he didn't comply with the orders until now.

And he was terrified of what was going to happen.

Gio knew that his dad had direct ties with the mafia and that was what helped fuel the fire of fear that was burning within him.

His father was the head certain "branch" within the mafia that consisted of the "soldiers." His job was to make sure things the so-called soldiers got things done. Because if things didn't get done fast enough it would cause problems for him. So to make sure things would get done and to make sure the soldiers knew that there would be problems if they didn't get things done. He would use fear and violence to get his point across.

Fear could get someone to do anything. It could get people to do things you'd never imagine and Gio's father knew that. He knew that because in his younger years he had to deal so he knew that the fear of being beaten or killed or someone you love being beaten or killed is exactly what would keep these soldiers "in line."

"Cosa ti ho detto," the man said looking down at the young soldier (what have I told you).

The boy's hands began to tremble and his mind began to go into overdrive. He knew that no matter what he said or did he would have to deal with the consequences.

At home, his father was a violent person and when it came to work he was a thousand times worse.

One thing that everyone knew about Giovanni was that it was very hard to get a physical reaction from him. Even as a child he barely ever cried or lashed out.

This was because of the environment he was raised in and who he was raised around. But if you pushed him far enough he would most definitely show his emotions and right now in this moment, his body language was revealing everything he was feeling.

He was scared so his whole body was trembling he was shaking like a leaf that was being blown back and forth by a harsh wind.

Since Gio didn't reply fast enough it made his dad angry.

"Non hai sentito quello che ho appena detto," the man said darkly, blowing some smoke out of his nose before taking a sip from his glass of very expensive alcohol (Did you not hear what I just said)

To cope with doing the things he did the man would often smoke and drink. Sometimes, very rarely if he was stressed out enough or angry enough and he couldn't calm himself down he would resort to drugs.

Smoking would mellow him out but the alcohol and drugs with a very different story. They canceled out the effects of smoking it would make him violent and angry.

"Stupido ragazzo," he muttered finishing off his glass (stupid boy).

He wasn't a very patient man.

"Cosa ti ho detto sul non portare a termine il lavoro," He said angrily slamming the glass down on the desk.

He was also a hothead.

Gio didn't say anything he just kept his head down.

"Do you not understand the words that are coming out of my mouth," the man yelled slamming his hand down on the desk as he stood up.

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