Chapter 32 (NEW CHAPTER)

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(last chapter was a flashback so now we're back to the present. The flashback was one week from the present if that makes sense)

Every day Gio continued to look for Jhacari and there was nothing. It was like he was a ghost.

It been over a month since he told Samarah about Jhacari and its obvious that Samarah is now moving on with her life and is trying to forget about Jhacari and what he put her through.

After waking up this morning Samarah asked if they could go to Barnes and Noble since Ella bookstore didn't have to book she's looking for.

"After we get your book we can take Sy'lence to the park so she can get outside for a little bit," he said.

It had been a while since the little girl had gone outside and did some physical activity.

"Momma it's too hot," Sy'lence huffed from the living room where she was laid out on the couch watching Scooby Doo.

"Baby it's only 70 degrees," the mother said watching as her baby girl dramatically fanned herself even though she's in a apartment that had excellent air conditioning.


With Sy'lence resting on Gio's hip and Samarah holding the mans hand the trio made their way through the crowd and into the big book store.

Walking into the store the smell of coffee from the cafe invaded everyone's senses.

"I'm gonna take Sy'lence to the kid section," Gio whispered bending down so Samarah could hear him, " Take your time," he added before giving her a kiss before walking away.

Heading toward the Young Adult section Samarah began to browse through the wide variety of books.

Looking down she picked up a book called The Summer To Pretty. She remembered seeing a trailer for it on TV. So immediately she picked that to be one of the books she wanted to buy and heading to the self help section she browsed there for a little bit and soon picked up the first book that caught her eye.

As she was coming up from her squating position she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

So she followed her gut feeling and quickly stood up and left to go find Gio.

Don't do this Samarah, she thought as she walked away, you're just being paranoid.

Gio always told her that if she ever felt like something was off. She should leave the area and find someplace safe. Because that gut feeling is something that you should always trust.

Going across the store to the kids section Samarah turned back to look at the aisle she was previously on and she swore she could see someone turning the corner at the end of the aisle.

She could barely make out what the person looked like but she knew she got herself out of a potentially bad situation.

Approaching the kids section she found Gio sitting on a bench that was in the kids section. As soon as she was close Gio pulled her to sit onto his lap sideways.

"What did you get he asked as he continued watch Sy'lence who sat on the ground looking through picture book she found.

"I got The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han and Atomic Habits by James Clear," she answered showing him the covers of each book.

"Are you actually going to read them," Gio said laughing lightly.

"Yes," Samarah said dragging out the 'S' as she pressed her forhead to his and laughed as well.

"Come on bambina," she said calling out to Sy'lence.

"Ok," She said rolling her eyes, She was almost done with her book.


"Where's the park," Sy'lence asked as she stood inbetween Gio and her mother.

"Its a couple of blocks away," Samarah answered.

The two adults grabbed onto the toddlers hands and started there walk down the street.

Gio began to think of how far Samarah and Sy'lence had come. They were so shy and timid but know Sy'lence is sassy as can be and outgoing. Samarah's personality was now actually showing and she would show him affection every chance she could get and not to mention that just like her daughter she was as sassy as ever.

Turning toward Samarah the man went to ask her what she wanted for dinner that night but he was cut short.

A loud bang rung through the air and everyone on the street dropped low to the ground trying their best to avoid getting hit by stray bullets.

Gio's body julted forward and for him it felt as if hot metal pierced his skin and that pain only lasted for a moment but not even a second later he began to crumble in pain and cough.

Gio was shot.

Screaming out her loves name Samarah began crying and the sound had scared Sy'lence causing her to hold onto the man she saw as a father.

Turning around she saw someone she prayed to God she would never see again.

"Gio get up," Samarah shrieked, the horror evident in her voice. "C'mon Gio," She cried holding his head on her lap.

But all Gio could do was look at Samarah and cough violently. It sounded like he was choking on water.

Snapping her head back over to where the shot came from Samarah saw Jhacari running the opposite way through the crowd.

Son of a bitch, she thought.

Gio's lips were stained red.

Pulling out her phone Samarah called 911.


Chile anyways 

hey y'all, 

I know this chapter is short and its honestly because I don't want this book to end lol. 

What do y'all think will happen?

Will Gio live or die?

Did this chapter seem rushed?

Thank you for reading, 


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