Bonus Chapter 1

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Hey y'all so looking through my Google docs I found a bunch of old scenes I wrote for Gio and Samarah so I'll be posting those as bonus chapter

Make sure to comment I love reading them 🤍


"What have I said about your attitude," he said taking off his suit jacket.

Samarah didn't say anything she just continued sipping on her drink and listing to the food sizzle on the stove.

Loosening his tie and taking it off he set it on the barstool. He had been working all week and didn't really get to spend much time at home.

"I know I didn't do anything so what's wrong," he asked, wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning them back onto the kitchen island.
Samarah hummed still being stubborn. But then it clicked in Gio's head. It had been a week since they last had sex. Tucking his head in her neck he laughed but that only pissed off Samarah.

"Stop laughing at me," Samarah hissed pulling away from Gio's embrace.

Walking toward the stove she set down her drink. Taking the top off of the pot she took a wooden spoon and stirred the soup. Turning of the heat she turned around and walked past Gio.

Gio watch as his girlfriend ignored him and walked over to the other side of the kitchen island. One thing about Samarah that Gio always found funny was that she was incredible stubborn, and when she tried to be mean or serious he couldn't take her serious because she just she just wasn't the type of person you would be intimidated or scared of.

He watched as she leaned over to grab the grapes she was snacking on before he came home. They were cotton candy grapes, her favorite.

Walking over to Samarah, Gio placed his hands on the woman's hips. His large hands caressed her hips. Moving his hands under her shirt her used his thumbs to put pressure on her lower back. He was giving her a little massage.

"You wanna tell me what's going on," he asked calmly.

Samarah shook her head and plopped two cold grapes into her mouth. Before hand she had put them in the freezer for a little bit so they would be cold and have some crunch to it.

"What you want some dick or something," he said jokingly reaching around and leaning over to grab a grape.

Samarah body went stiff when Gio's body pressed her against the counter. She was acting like she was dick-deprived.

"You do don't you," Gio said teasing her. A smirk made its way to his face, he enjoyed teasing her.

Pulling Samarah hips back he pulled her flush against him. Leaning down he whispered in her ear, "I ask you a question."

Samarah didn't verbally say anything but her body did all the talking for her.

Gio pressed her back making her bend over, her chest was now pressed against the kitchen island. He got so close that Samarah could feel his print through his pants.

"Is this what you wanted. You want me to bend you over," he jokingly asked, "I bet you want it rough don't you."

Moving away from Samarah Gio went and grabbed his coat and tie.

"Catch a attitude with me again and see what happens," he said before walking away so he could go get in the shower.

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