Chapter 13

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Exiting the guest room where Samarah was resting the three women slowly and quietly picked up their things and left Samarah to rest.

Walking ahead of the older couple Myka walked into the living room and smiled at the sight of her "niece" being held by Giovanni. Moving toward the couch where her girlfriend slept Myka gently shook the sleeping woman's shoulder.

"Come on babe let's go lay in the guest room," she said quietly.

Nodding Akira got up and went to the guest bedroom to try and sleep for a couple of hours before Samarah would wake up and need some meds and food.

Emerging from the dark hallway a tired Ella and Ruby put on their jackets and scanned the apartment for any sign of Sy'lence. All the lights and TV were off so it made it hard for them to see. Turning on a light switch both of the shielded their eyes at the sudden exposure to light.

After a couple of seconds, they uncovered their eyes and looked to the couch to see Giovanni sleeping on his back along with Sy'lence sleeping on top of him like he was a mattress.

Quietly walking over to her grandson Ella tapped on his forehead trying to wake him up. But Giovanni pushed her hand away and continued to sleep.

Moving forward again Ruby slapped his forehead making him wrap his arms around the little girl that laid on top of him and sit up.

"​​nonna si ferma," the man grumbled looking at Ruby (grandma stop).

"Don't look at me like that," Ruby said, "Ella and I will be back in a little bit. Myka and Akira are sleeping in the other guest room. Do you want us to take Sy'lence with us," she added gently slapping his forehead again when she saw him close his eyes.

During this time Sy'lence had opened her eyes and turned her head to look at the two older women she considered her grandma's.

"Sy'lence do you want to go with us," Ella asked.

"No," both the man and little girl said.

Giovanni laid them back down and covered them with the blanket again and they both went back to snoring.

Rolling her eyes while laughing quietly Ella grabbed her wife's hand and walked out of the apartment.


Opening her eyes Sy'lence sat up and looked around the living room. She wanted some food. Getting off of Gio and climbing down from the couch. She walked around the couch and toward the kitchen making her way to the refrigerator.

There was nothing she could easily grab and snack on. Letting out a huff she quickly made her way back to the couch.

Reaching up to tap the man on his shoulder the little girl realized that she didn't even know his name.

Tapping on his shoulder and she whispered, "Mr. man."

He did react so she whispered again.


"Mr. Man," she said raising her voice.

Giovanni sat up and looked down at the little girl.

"I want food," she said pointing to her stomach.

Sitting up Giovanni stretched and took off his suit jacket. Standing up he motioned for the little girl to follow him into the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat bambina," he asked opening the refrigerator.

"Food," the child answered seriously.

Well no shit, Giovanni thought.

"What kind of food," he explained but the little girl just shrugged her shoulders and leaned against the kitchen island looking up at him.

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