Bonus Chapter 3 (NEW)

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Throughout their relationship and even before Gio and Samarah always woke up around the same time. Before Samarah would wake up after Gio and they would have coffee together because there were still somewhat strangers to each other.

But now Giovanni waked up and gets dressed for work before waking Samarah up. Before Samarah's pregnancy should wake up at 5 with Gio but since she's gotten far into her pregnancy Gio wants her to rest as much as she can but she insisted that she sees him off before work. So the husband and wife compromised by agreeing that she would get woken up 30 minutes after Gio.

Hearing the sound of the alarm invade his senses Gio quickly rolled over and turned it off. He really hated waking up early and he hated this job. But the job allowed him to give his wife and daughter the life he believed they deserved.

Putting on his glasses in the dark he looked across the bed to see the silhouette of Samarah sleeping cuddled up with her pregnancy pillow.

Gio hated that thing for 2 reasons.

It took up a lot of space and it separated him from his Love while they slept. Before her pregnancy, he was able to hold her close every night but now it's always "Babe can you get my pillow".

Putting his hand on her swollen stomach the man pressed a kiss to his

Wife's cheek before getting out of bed and proceeding to his personal closet.


Gio stood in the bathroom with his shirt removed. He didn't want to get water on it while he washed his face. Gio hated this new part of his morning routine but Samarah said she didn't want her husband to age like a raisin or have bald spots. So every morning he started using the skincare items so bought for him cause every night she would set the products out on his side of the sink in the order that he needed to use them and if he didn't use them Samarah would show her passive-aggressive side.

On the days she noticed Gio didn't do his skincare routine she would leave sticky notes on the mirror that had aggressive "motivational" quotes on in. For example, "Use skincare today so you won't look like someone's ball sack tomorrow."

So after flossing and brushing his teeth the man quickly did his skincare routine. Before going back into his closet to put his clothes on.


Hearing a door close Samarah opened her eyes and groaned. Her first thought of the day was, "This big ass baby is right on my bladder," but her second thought was that it was Gio's birthday today.

He was turning 32.

Getting up the woman waddled to the bathroom so she could relieve herself.

While in the closet Gio was buttoning up his shirt when he heard a door close.

Samarah's up, he thought with a smile on his face.

Picking up his suit jacket and draping his untied tie around his neck Gio emerged from the closet.

Quickly making the bed he then set his jacket down before heading toward the bathroom and immediately Samarah who stood at the sink came into view.

Walking up behind her he placed his hands on her hips and lowered his head so he could nestle into the crook of her neck. "Buongiorno amore," he muttered placing kisses on her neck.

"Good morning," the woman yawned leaning back in his arms.

Swishing mouthwash around in her mouth Samarah bent over to spit it out but of course, Gio's horny ass had to act like he was fucking her from behind.

"Knock it off," she giggled playfully punching him in the stomach.

Turning out she wrapped her arms around his neck, "Happy birthday she said giving him a gentle kiss.

"Thank you, my love," he said looking starry eyes as he looked down at his wife, "what's on the agenda for today," he asked going back to draping himself over her like a big teddy bear and placing kisses on her neck and cheek.

"I can't say," Samarah said smiling.

She was planning a surprise for him. 

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