Chapter 3

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For this chapter, I recommend listening to None Of Your Concern by Jhene Aiko (Slowed)


Sometime during the morning, Samarah and Sy'lence made their way back to their bed. Sy'lence was tired and just wants to be near her mom. Samarah was distressed and too tired to try and call Jhacari again for the umpteenth time.

Waking up at two in the afternoon Samarah rolled over to look for her phone only to not find it. It's probably still in the living room. Slowly getting up not wanting to disturb her child she got out of bed and walked to the Living room.

Walking along the backside of the couch she makes her way around on one couch was a sleeping Jhacari and on the other was a random man who came into view. You've gotta be kidding me. Thinking that its to early to start something Samarah grabbed her phone not bothering to be quiet and made her way back to the bedroom.

After closing the door behind her she climbs into bed and a now half-asleep Sy'lence climbs in her lap falling asleep again. She really was Samarah's mini-me she could sleep for hours and still be tired. Unlocking her phone she when to safari to look up hotels to stay at. Hotel after hotel Samarah loses hope of getting a place to stay seeing that she didn't have enough money to stay there for a couple of nights till she felt comfortable staying in her home again.

Putting her phone down beside her she looked down to see her little baby eyeing her boobs.

"Momma milk," Sy'lence mumbled half asleep.


"Didn't I tell you she too old to be doing that," Jhacari said casually walking into the room while Samarah was feeding her child?

"Really acting like he did nothing wrong," she said quietly to herself shaking her head.

Jhacari wasn't stupid he knew exactly what he was doing he was just pressing Samarah's buttons like he always does. Jhacari was very intelligent he would let people think he was the type of guy that didn't take things seriously, smoked weed all day, and popped pills on a daily basis. He did smoke a lot and pop pills like his life depended on it but he was so much more complex than the way society painted him. Everything he did was thought out and calculated. He was someone that everyone should want to avoid.

Last night he didn't show up he knew that if he was there at the apartment or in the area the men who broke into the apartment would've found him and killed him regardless not caring who was in the apartment with him or who was around him. But Jhacari knew that they don't kill children or innocent women so he didn't worry about Sy'lence or Samarah getting killed during the invasion.

Jhacari is a really fucked up person if you ask me.

Looking away from Jhacari, Samarah looks down at Sy'lence to she is okay and she was more than okay she was practically milk drunk. Her head tilted all the way back and her mouth slightly open sleeping completely unaware of what is about to take place.

Clipping her bra back together she sat the child down beside her letting her head rest on a pillow Samarah slipped off the bed and made her way to the bedroom door opening it and saying, "where were you last night," making Jhacari follow her out of the room and to the kitchen away from Sy'lence.

"Down at the get down with my boys," Jhacari said reaching up into the cabinet for a cup.

Why are you lying

"You were at the club for 8 hours," Samarah said pulling out her phone ready to show evidence to back up her argument.

"Yea I took something that made me lose track of time"

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