Chapter 34 (NEW CHAPTER)

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Leaning down Samarah whispered to Sy'lence, "Go tell Ella to take you to the bathroom."

Feeling confused the little girl turned around to look at her mom but once she saw the look on her face she immediately got out of her lap and went over to Ella.

Excusing herself Ella gently took Sy'lence's hand and took her toward the bathroom.

Trying to control her uneven breath Samarah leaned back in her seat.

But an event from the previous 2 years ago flashed through her mind.

Walking along the backside of the couch she makes her way around on one couch was a sleeping Jhacari and on the other was a random man who came into view. You've gotta be kidding me. Thinking that it's too early to start something Samarah grabbed her phone not bothering to be quiet and made her way back to the bedroom

The random man that she saw on the couch that morning and stood by and watched Jhacari abuse her was also the same man that London was posing with in a photo on her lock screen.

Samarah would never fight but for her daughter or her man, she would.

Looking to her right she saw Ella and Sy'lence disappear around the corner.

Getting up Samarah snatched London's phone and threw it across the room.

"Marah what the fuck," the woman yelled standing up, "what's wrong with you," she added.

But Samarah didn't say anything.

Anger had clouded her thoughts. Remembering how London and her would always have long conversations and share vulnerable details of their lives just fueled her anger.

Samarah had even shared the moment Jhacari put his hands on her while one of his friends Kai sat and watched.

It was well-known information that London had been dating her boyfriend for 3 years but no one knew that Kai was her boyfriend.

And that last thought was what sent Samarah into a downward spiral.

Sending a punch to London's jaw the woman pushed her to the ground and got on top of her as everyone around her yelled for her to stop.

"You told him didn't," The angry woman yelled, "you told him we were back didn't you," she added.

Getting up Emanuel and Myka rushed to Samarah and pulled her off of London.

"You dumb bitch," Samarah screamed trying to get out of Emanuel's and Cairo's grips, "I swear if I get my hands on you."

"I don't know what you're talking about," London yelled back as some security guards held her back.

"Samarah what's going on," Ruby said trying to calm down the young woman she saw as a daughter.

"Check her phone," Samarah yelled repeatedly, still trying to get to the girl she thought was her friend.

Going over to where Samarah through the phone Cairo picked it up the phone was obviously locked. But when turned the brightness up his breathing picked up he saw a picture of London and a very familiar man on the front.

Walking down the ally with Gio by his side the two approached the men who they now knew were named Jhacari and Kai. The two men seemed to be holding baggies- they were here to make a drug deal.

As security pulled London out of the hospital and away from Samarah, Cairo didn't say anything.

"Sy'lence was right about you bitch you are a weirdo," Samarah yelled once again before London and the security disappeared around the corner.


After telling Samarah that if she didn't calm down security would probably be removed from the hospital, Souline told Samarah to take a walk with her.

Which was a terrible idea.

After seeing everything unfold Souline was on one too, and once you get her going there's no stopping until she reaches her goal.

Gio was like an older brother to her, he was her daughter's godfather and was the godfather of her unborn child.

Knowing Souline like the back of his hand made Cairo follow after her and Samarah as they went on their walk.


Hey loves,

This chapter honestly feels so bad, so let me know what y'all think.

What do you think will happen next?

Did y'all connect the dots while you reading the earlier chapters?

Also, shout out to @amboisemiloveds for peeping how Sy'lence didn't like London.

Little kids are honestly sometimes good at reading people's energy and knowing that someone isn't good to be around.

Also, who do you think told Jhacari about how Samarah was going to take off and how do you think that person found out that info?

I remember replying to a comment and saying everything in my book had meaning and a lot of things where connected and YALL i meant that 😭.

thank you for reading,


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