Chapter 16

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When things calmed back down and the tears slowed Myka took Samarah back to the guest room. As well as, Sy'lence because when Myka tried to hand her to Gio since she wanted to be held by someone.

She would start screaming and crying every time.

Before Myka took both the mother and daughter into the room. Akira had finally got a good look at Samarah's face.

Akira could practically feel her heart drop to her ass.


"Are you fucking kidding me," Akira whisper yelled at Giovanni as she paced back and forth in front of him, "do you realize who she is," they added running their hands down their face?

Gio sat on the couch leaning back with his legs slightly spread. He fidgeted with the rings and traced over the tattoos he had on his wrist with his index finger.

"No," he said not really paying attention to what Akira was saying.

He was too focused on what just happened. He was too concerned about Samarah and Sy'lence.

He terrified Sy'lence.

Before she would be more than happy to be held by him. He was her Mr. Man. Now she will kick, scream, and cry when he even got remotely close to her or her mom. To her, he was now 'bad man.'

He hadn't known the little girl for that long but seeing the child be so terrified made his mood dim dramatically.

Any rational person wouldn't want a child to be terrified of them and react the way Sy'lence was reacting. She was reacting like she was in a horror movie and Giovanni was the evil monster.

"Are you even listening to me," Akira said frustratedly.

He wasn't listening.

"You broke into her apartment," She whispered leaning closer making sure no one would hear, "and then I dressed up as one of those scientists, and Emanuel and Cairo were dressed as police," she said tilting her head.

"Does that ring a bell," she asked sarcastically breathing heavily and falling back onto the couch dramatically.

He didn't say anything he just looked at her with a blank face watching as she shifted around into uncomfortable positions.

"Are you done," he finally asked after Akira dramatically sighed for the 6th time.

"No," she said swinging her body around to sit up and face her friend, "let me explain this for you since you're acting like you don't understand," she added standing up. "You broke into her apartment and she heard you talk. Then, you had me and Thing one and Thing two show up as the police," she explained, "shall I go on," she asked.

Gio nodded letting her continue to ramble.

"Remember Jhacari Perez. Well, you my friend brought his baby momma and his offspring into your home," she said, "When everything calms down she's gonna remember me Gio she saw my face."

"She's not going to remember you it was over a year ago," he said his accent sounding thicker due to the stress.

"But she could," Akira rebutted, "you broke into her apartment Gio that's not something that someone forgets. Everything that happened I bet you that if she thought hard enough about it she could remember every little detail about that night if she wanted to," She explained standing up.

Giovanni stayed quiet now realizing how much he fucked up.

"Now do you understand," Akira said crossing her arms.


Getting Samarah settled in the bed Myka watched as the woman got settled under the duvet and laid still. She didn't turn around to look at Myka or Sy'lence who was being held by her auntie, Myka.

Myka really didn't know how to handle this situation so she treaded slowly and tried to pick up on certain things.

Something that was obvious to her was that Samarah was scared of men. Myka wanted her to be surrounded by people that could help comfort and love on her. She didn't want Samarah to shut down and push everyone away that would just make everything worse.

Isolating yourself in this situation can make your mind go places you don't want it to go.

So she sent a message to the group chat she was in with Souline, Zamora, and Ella. Ruby used to be in the chat but Ruby had sent a text saying, "y'all do too much," it was referring to all the times the women would be texting back and forth. It would always cause Ruby's notifications to be going "crazy."

She asked the two to come over and to make sure to leave their husbands at home. Bringing more men into the apartment wouldn't help Samarah or Sy'lence. She also told Souline to bring her daughter, Kaori, and told Zamora to bring her son, Mesiah. So Sy'lence would be surrounded by kids her age.

Giving Sy'lence her phone to watch a movie Myka let the little girl sit on the little couch that was at the foot of the bed. Going back toward Samarah walked around to the side they were facing and crouched down.

"Do you want to talk," she said softly talking ahold of her "sister's" hand.

Samarah shook her head.

"So you want a hug," she asked.

Samarah squeezed her hand. It was a yes.

Getting up from the ground Myka walked around the room to the other side of the bed. Taking off her shoes and jacket she got under the covers. Wrapping her arms tightly around Samarah she hugged her.

"Ella is on her way, ok," she whispered, "she's almost here."


Hey y'all,

Here's a lil filler chapter before things start getting really interesting.

How do y'all feel about Akira's explanation for the night the break-in happened?

Do you think Samarah will recognize them?

Does it make more sense on why the "police" couldn't find any evidence and why Samarah thought the door handle was cleaned? Did anyone catch that?

I like to hide details that will have meaning or pop up later. Because I'm really big on detail and I'm the type of person that analyzes anything and everything so makes sure to watch out for details big and small.

Anyways how did y'all like this chapter?

Who's your favorite character so far?

How are you liking the book so far (be honest constructive criticism is welcome)?

ALSO, this will be the last chapter of the week. I'm going to be doing some book planning for this book as well as others. So please be patient with me.

Thank you for reading,


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