12 New Feelings

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Part 12 New Feelings

Khushi brought a jet tiffin box from her cabin and gave it to Arnav. He took it from her smiling.

"Thank God, you are not angry with me" he smiled.

Without wasting time, he opened the box and started eating the aalu and poori.

"Mmmm... So tasty..." He said, relishing it.

Khushi smiled, seeing him eating like a kid

"Khushi, why not you start a restaurant?" He asked while eating.

"Restaurant?" She sulked in confusion.

"I will eat in your restaurant every day. No need to hesitate to ask your handmade food" He smiled whereas Khushi laughed.

"Your dexterity is amazing... Fantastic..." He praised.

Khushi smiled slightly. She waited until he finishes.

"Thank you, Khushi... For making me feel special by your handmade food"

"That's ok sir" taking her tiffin box, she left his cabin.

Arnav leaned on the seat feeling pleasant. This is the first homemade food he ate after his college days. He ate from his friend's box when he was in college. But those were not tasted like Khushi's food. It seems she cooks well. He felt delighted.

The next day

Arnav met Abhi as usual on the bus. That day, Abhi didn't hide from Arnav. Both were shared a warm smile.

"Will you come here coming Sunday? Arnav asked.

Abhi nodded no.


"Mumma won't allow me to go anywhere, Sir"

"Then, when will you come to my home?"

Abhi nodded his head like, I don't know. The bus left. Arnav signed.

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Arnav was working in his cabin. He raised his head hearing a knock.

"Come in"

He saw Khushi entering with a smile. He also smiled at her. She kept a lunch bag on his table. Arnav lifted his brows with a smile.

"It's not necessary to be a restaurant owner to provide you food every day, I suppose," she said seriously.

"Thank you for showing mercy on this orphan..." He said and it pricked Khushi.

"Somehow, everyone Is an orphan sir... No matter how many people we have around us, people make us feel like an orphan sometimes. It's better to be alone than being surrounded by fake relatives, sir" she said in one go. She doesn't know why did she pour her feelings in front of him.

Arnav was looking at her awestruck.

"I'm sorry... If I hurt you," he said.

"No sir... I... Just..." She left the cabin.

What happened to her? Why did she outrage people? Is she facing problems in her life because of her relatives? Doesn't she have anyone for her help? It seems she has faced a hard time due to people. Will she tell him if he asks her about it? Just today, she brought him lunch, considering him as her friend. What if she stops talking to him if he takes advantage? What if she becomes rigid towards him? Let's watch her... If time permits, he may get a chance to talk about her life and family.

Khushi came out of Arnav's cabin. She saw Sheetal smirking at her. Without giving heed to her, she went to her cabin. Sheetal came to her cabin following Khushi.

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