26 Face to Face

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Part 26 Face to Face

In the meanwhile,

Khushi felt so nervous like ever before. What will happen if Karan said the truth to Arnav? What will Arnav do? Will he snatch Abhi from her? Will he threaten her to marry him? Khushi became restless. She was scared to face Arnav. He was in love with her. he wanted to marry her. He never hesitated to tell her about what he felt for her. He even spoke about SLEEPING with her. Of course, he had guts. She didn't know what he was going to do. Khushi gulped her tears.

Taking her mobile, she dialed Preeto. Preeto looked at the phone and smirked. She attended the call making sure not telling her the truth that Arnav knew the truth.

"Tell me, Khushi"

"Preeto, does Arnavji know the truth?"

"What truth?"

"Didn't you tell me Karan is going to tell him the truth?"

"Oh... are you asking about the FATHER issue?"


"Maybe... Or, may not be..."

"Didn't you ask Karan about it?"

"No, Khushi. We both are busy with wedding work. You know what happened today?" she asked seriously.

"Whaaaat?" Khushi asked hurriedly.

"My uncle slipped from the stairs... I'm the one who took him to the hospital"


"Then what? Nothing..."

Khushi rolled her eyes.

"Preeto, understand the seriousness of the issue..."

"Yeah... I have understood the seriousness well. That's why I asked my uncle not to walk for at least one day. after all, I'm a doctor..."

"I'm not talking about your uncle..."

"Oh... then about whom you are talking about?"


"Ok, tell me..."

"Please stop Karan from telling him the truth, Preeto" she pleaded.

"How can I tell him what he should talk about with his friend?"

"The matter is about your friend, Preeto. As per the hospital's clause, you should not tell Arnav about his son. How could you tell him that Preeto?"

"Are you talking with me as my friend or the beneficiary of the fertility center?"

"Preeto please, don't play with words..."

"You are the one who is playing with our friendship, Khushi"

"Please, don't mistake me, Preeto... try to understand me"

"You too, understand me, Khushi. Nothing is in my hand now. It got slipped from my hand already."

"Can I talk to Karan?"

"Of course, you can. I will ask him to talk to you when he comes here"

"Can't you connect me with him on a conference call?"

"Let me talk to him first. I will surely connect you on a conference call if he is ready to talk to you"

Khushi sighed.

"Ok, Khushi, I have to go... will talk to you later. Bye..."


Khushi disconnected the call. Preeto smirked contently. She knew Karan had already told Arnav the truth.

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