48 Strength

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Part 48 Strength

Aditya's family stood with shocking expressions on their faces. Sunil looked at them furiously.

"How could you guys hide the biggest truth from me?" he sneered.

"No... it's not true. She is lying" Shilpa said hurriedly.

"If she is lying, how could she ask me to do a DNA test daringly? Doesn't she know I will definitely do that? Neither I saw the hesitation in her face nor did I see fear. How is she so confident?" he asked.

"I too don't know how she looks so confident," Heera said.

"Call her father... I mean Chacha" Sunil said irritatingly.

"I think Shashi Gupta would have played with us" Shilpa called Shashi while blabbering. He attended it.

"I want you to be at our house in half an hour" She ordered.

"Why dear, is anything urgent?" Shashi asked lovingly.

"Yes... it's damn urgent"


"Why? Can't you come?" she questioned.

"I'm dealing with my own problem here, beta. Will come finishing it" Shashi said.

"I don't care about your personal problems. Come here right now" Shilpa disconnected the call.

Shashi sighed looking at her daughter who was standing in front of him.

"I have to go" Shashi said.

"Babuji, do something..." Shashi's only daughter Rinky said.

"I will come back soon"

"At least, talk to your Damad. Or else, he may think we are fine with divorce" Rinky insisted.

"What do you want me to talk to him?"

"Why are you talking like this Babuji? He is going to remarry someone. Is not it unfair? Just because I'm unable to give birth to a child, how could he think of divorcing me?" She spilled tears.

"I already talked to him. He is so stubborn in his decision."

"What does that mean? Should I live my whole life all alone? What is my mistake Babuji?" she cried closing her face with her palms.

Shashi left the place silently. What did Rinky know? It was not her mistake. It was the effect of her parents' mistake. Where would the SIN go if those were done by her parents? It will hit the right person at the right time. Likewise, it was hitting Rinky now to collapse Shashi and Garima.

Shashi headed to Aditya's house.

In the meanwhile,

Arnav was continuously smiling while driving the car.

"Why are you smiling like this?" Khushi asked smilingly.

"I don't know my wife is a very good storyteller" he laughed.

Khushi chuckled.

"You know what, you have won the advocate in the argument" he again laughed.

"Life has taught me many things. One among them is, to handle cunning people. Usually, I feel guilty if I do anything wrong. But today, I don't have such a feeling in my heart. Cheating on heartless people doesn't make me feel bad."

Arnav sensed her inner turmoil. He touched her shoulder with concern.


"You know what Arnav; I was never like this. Basically, I'm a coward. I won't make a decision that easily. Whenever I take decisions, I always doubt my instinct whether it will be right or wrong."

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