39 Demand

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Part 39 Demand

Khushi smiled at Lavanya and Sheetal pleasantly. That's when they saw the attendee of the office distributing sweet boxes to the staff. Khushi frowned as she didn't know what it was. Lavanya and Sheetal looked at her questioningly. Khushi shrugged her shoulders off like, I don't know. The attendee came to Khushi's cabin and gave the boxes to Lavanya and Sheetal also. They read the label on the box.

"From Mr. Arnav and Mrs. Khushi Arnav"

They smiled at Khushi who was dumbfounded. Arnav said nothing to her about it. Maybe, in her parents' tension, he would have forgotten to tell her. However, she liked his idea.

"All the best Khushi" Lavanya hugged her.

"Thank you"

Lavanya went to her cabin.

"You have made a good decision, Khushi," Sheetal said.

Khushi nodded with a smile. Sheetal also went to her cabin. Khushi headed to Arnav's cabin all smiling. She was about to knock on the door, but at the same time, Arnav opened the door and stepped out. He jerked, seeing Khushi, and jumped a step back.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I didn't see you coming..." he apologized which made her feel weird.

Khushi was baffled. Why did he apologize to her for the simple matter? She was gazing at him with an unnamed expression.

"That's...Ok..." she said thoughtfully.

"Do you want to say something?" Arnav asked.

"Oh... I... just..." she stammered.

"Come in..." Arnav again went in.

"No... I will come later" She turned to leave.


She looked at him.

"Come in..." this time, he said with a stern gaze that she could not disagree with.

She got in. Arnav sat on the table, pressing his right leg on the floor, and folding his hands.

"Tell me..."

"I saw the attendee distributing sweets..."

"Yeah, I'm rejoicing our wedding. We can't give a reception as we developed an interesting story about our wedding already. So, just thought to celebrate it with sweets" he smiled.

Khushi smiled while nodding her head.

"Actually, I thought to tell you about it on the way to the office but we met your parents and they messed up my mood. I'm sorry for not telling you that"

Khushi again nodded ok.

"I'm... going..."

"Won't you have a sweet?" he extended a box.

"I will have it with Abhi" she took the box from his hand.

Arnav folded his lip slightly and shook his head. Khushi left his cabin, taking the sweet box. Arnav saw a slight confusion on Khushi's face and he knew the reason. Though he felt bad he had no choice.

Khushi came to her cabin, thinking about Arnav. Why did he panic when they were about to bump into each other as if he was about to do something dishonest? Keeping the sweet box on the table, she began to do her work.

Lunch break

Khushi didn't notice the time as she drowned in the job that was assigned to her. She raised her head, hearing a coughing sound. Arnav was standing, leaning on her doorstep. He lifted his eyebrows smiling.

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