22 Lethal Fate

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Part 22 Lethal Fate

Arnav and Khushi came to the office, finishing the meeting. She went straight to her cabin and Arnav entered his cabin. He started doing work. Afterward, his phone rang. Taking it, he saw the number. It was Khushi's house's landline number. Abhi was calling him. Arnav attended the call with a smile.

"Hi, big guy..."

"Hi, MT"

"How are you doing?"

"I'm super fine"

"Good... I want you to come to my home. I have a surprise for you"

"Whaaat? Surprise? Really?" he was almost hopped.


"Our school is on holiday tomorrow. Shall we meet?"

"Oh, sure... by the way, why your school is a holiday tomorrow?"

"Twelfth standard board exam starts tomorrow. That's why"

"Oh... that means, you will often get holidays"


"Ok... come to my home tomorrow morning"

"Will you be there with me?"

"Of course..."

"Ok, we will meet tomorrow"


Arnav disconnected the call all smiling.

The next day

Khushi wondered because Arnav took off that day. He didn't tell her about it anything. Was he alright? Should she call him? He might have thought in a different way. She shrugged the thought off. She started concentrating on her work. She wanted to ask Abhi whether he ate something as he was at home due to the holiday. She called her house's landline number but no response. Abhi might be in the washroom. Or, he might be playing with his friends. She thought. Again, she worked for a while. After half an hour, she again called Abhi. This time also Abhi didn't attend the call. She became thoughtful. Why didn't Abhi attend her call? What was he doing? Where was he? Was not him at home? Something stroke her mind. Was Arnav in her place? No, Abhi would have been attended her call even though Arnav was in her place. Was not Abhi at home? Was Abhi at Arnav's place? Was Arnav trying to get closer to Abhi more? This was not done. Arnav should not have done like this.

She came to Aman's cabin.


"Yes, Khushi?"

"I need an hour permission"

"Ok... Boss is also off today... you can go"

"Thank you"

Khushi left the office by an auto. She came to her home. What she suspected was right. Her house was locked from outside. She understood where will Abhi be. She remembered that Abhi told her about Arnav's bungalow once. She strode towards Arnav's house.

In the meanwhile,

After learning some advance drawing technics from Arnav,

"MT, you said there is a surprise for me..."


Arnav removed a swimming trunk from the cupboard and gave it to him.

"Swimming trunk? Why do you give it to me?"

"I got the swimming pool ready. It is in the backyard"

"Really? But I don't know swimming"


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