36 Parents

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Part 36 Parents

Sitting on the bed, Abhi was talking non-stop with Arnav. He was asking many useful as well as useless questions. He dragged Khushi in between their conversation. Khushi responded to it with Patience which was liked by Arnav.

An unknown nervousness occupied Arnav's heart. Khushi was going to be with him from here on. He had no idea how their relationship progress going to be. He was with his wife and son. Khushi agreed to marry him. That was more than enough for him, as of now.

Taking her dress, Khushi went to the washroom to get changed. Arnav smiled mildly. It seemed new to him... Family... Wife... Son... This circumstance...everything gave him a pleasing touch.

Khushi came out of the washroom and sat on the couch. She started checking her mobile.

"Abhi, go to sleep... You have to go to school tomorrow." Arnav said.

"Yes, dad... You too sleep with us"

Arnav and Khushi spared the quick glance as they understood what the US meant. He wanted Arnav to sleep with him and Khushi.

"And, I'm sure you can't run away anywhere else like you did last night because this is the only place where you could hide. We occupied it too" Abhi laughed, teasing his father.

Arnav smiled scratching his forehead whereas Khushi controlled her smile biting her lip.

"Shall I drop you at your school tomorrow?" Arnav asked.

"No, Dad... Not tomorrow. You just stand outside when my school bus comes here..." Abhi said.

"Oh... Then when do you want me to come to your school?" Arnav asked.


"Why Saturday? Anything to be noted?"

"Parents and teacher's meeting is going to be held on Saturday in our school. You come with Mom."

Arnav again looked at Khushi who also looked at him.

"Don't worry Dad... My teacher won't complain about me..."

"Ohh... Really?"

"I'm a good boy, Dad..."

Arnav chuckled.

"Don't you trust me? Mom, tell him I'm a good boy" Abhi said.

Khushi thought something and asked,

"Is it, Abhi? Are you a good boy?"

"Mom, this is not done. Don't you know I'm a good boy?" He pouted.

"In recent days, you didn't listen to my words, didn't obey my orders, then how could I say you are a good boy?"

Abhi looked at Arnav making face who raised his brows, pressing his lips together. Abhi laid down, circling Arnav's waist, burying his face in his chest. Arnav was dumbfounded at first. He caressed his hair lovingly, managing himself. Khushi felt something in her stomach, after seeing the scene. Arnav looked at Khushi and pleaded through his eyes to console Abhi. Khushi rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Khushi, Abhi wanted us to be together. That's why he would not have listed to you... am I right, Abhi?" Arnav asked.

Abhi raised his head and nodded yes.

"Didn't I say?" Arnav said to Khushi.

Abhi looked at Khushi, turning his face. Khushi nodded affirmatively. Abhi sat on the bed delighted.

"Do you agree with Dad?"

She nodded yes. Abhi rushed to Khushi and hugged her.

"Thank you, Mom"

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