16 Yes, I need...

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Part 16 Yes, I need...

Arnav was thinking about Khushi and Abhi. How did they come into his life? He got a unique experience with both of them. He met Khushi in the restaurant and got attracted by her optimistic approach. Misunderstanding him, she handed over him to the police. Instead of getting upset with her, he liked her. she tried to hit him with pepper spray yet he was not furious about it. And the cherry on the cake, she worked in the same office he bought.

Whereas Abhi crossed his path from another way. He saved him from a rogue who tortured his mother. He had been kept on hearing about Khushi through Abhi but he didn't know Abhi was Khushi's son. She doesn't want Abhi to talk about his father with anyone. She doesn't like it if Abhi questions about his father. She didn't even let him know his father's name. why? She is an optimistic woman. She faces everything with brave just like she handled Arjun in the conference the other day. Then why not society? What's there to hide the truth that she is a widow? Why doesn't she say that openly? she could have told that at least for Abhi. He would not be with expectations about his father. Why was she testing a little kid?

Something stork his mind. AMIT... the man who followed Abhi the other day. Maybe, to avoid such nonsense she would have hid the truth. Of course, it's hard to live without anyone's support in this society. That's why she should have hidden the truth.

Leave all this... what's Arnav's stand in this matter? What is he going to do with them? So, what if Khushi is a widow? So, what she has a son? She needs support and he needs someone like Khushi who supports him wholeheartedly. Then what's there to think. But it's not only about him but also about Khushi. What she thinks is more important. What if she doesn't like to share her life with anyone? But why does she be alone for her whole life? What if she doesn't like him? No, she likes him. she might be scared of society. But why should she be scared about society? Did society help her when she was helpless? He became weary. He just wanted not to think about anything. But, he could not... he just could not...

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't be without thinking about them. Doesn't he feel happy being with them? Then why does he resist himself from thinking about them? How much did he yarn to be happy in his life? When he finds happiness in their presence, why should he miss them?

Besides, Arnav doesn't know anything about HIS child. If he(Arnav) looks after someone's child (Abhi), doesn't someone look after his child? Don't know why he often thinks of HIS child these days. Nowadays, he gets unrelated thoughts in his mind. Don't know why. He supposed.

The next day

Arnav waited for Khushi and also for her lunch. As usual, she came with a bag and kept it on the table. Taking the schedule planner, she read it out, while marking them with a pencil.

"Sir, you have to attend a clients' meeting at 11 o'clock. At 3 o'clock you have to meet our new contractor Mr. Trivedi... and..."

Cutting her,

"How is Abhi?" Arnav asked.

Khushi's hand stopped. of course, she got stuck. Did Arnav get to know she is Abhi's mother? But how? She composed herself gulping down.

"Fine," she said plainly without looking at him.

"Abhi is a clever boy... right?"

She nodded yes.

"He likes me very much... and I too like him very much... we have the same wavelength you know?"

Khushi raised her eyes towards him.

"I was at your place last evening..."

Her eyes widened. She kept the schedule planner on the table.

"There... I got to know about your husband... Mr. Aditya..."

Khushi looked at him shockingly.

"I saw his photo... he is no more... he is dead..."

Khushi was horror struck.

"I'm sorry for that, Khushi..." Arnav said genuinely feeling sad.

"Sorry, for what, Sir?"

"For your husband... and you are a single mother..."

Cutting him,

"What's there to feel sorry? I never felt bad for being a single mother. Don't you see me? Have you ever heard me tell you, I'm feeling sad to be alone?"

"No... I have never seen you feeling sad. I thought you are happy with your family..." He didn't say WITH YOUR HUSBAND.

"Yes, it's because I never felt the necessity of a man in my life" She pressed it.

"Maybe, you would not have... What about Abhi? Don't you think he is missing his father?"

"it's his fate... I can do nothing with it"

"You can... why don't you get married to someone who would be a support to you and Abhi?"

Khushi was shocked. Why does Arnav talk about it? in what rights he is talking about this?

"I don't want to think of it... I crossed the toughest part of my life all ALONE... now, I'm strong enough to withstand anything alone"

"Have you ever asked Abhi what he wants?"

"He has me... it's more than enough for him"

"How could you decide that Khushi?"

"Who should decide it other than me?"

"Ask Abhi what he wants..."

"What he wants?"


"But he doesn't have..."

"But, you can bring him a father..."

Khushi got stuck.

"What do you mean?"

"You can choose one who can be supportive to you"

Khushi was about to say something, Arnav stopped her showing his palm.

"If you don't want support, you can consider Abhi at least..."

Khushi nodded her head left to right annoying and about to leave, Arnav blocked her way, coming in front of her.

"I don't want to beat around the bush... let me come to the point. I would like to marry you Khushi... I love you"

That was a big blow to Khushi. Love?

"I want you to be with me, Khushi... I would like to be the father of Abhi... I love you and also Abhi so much..."

She thought it will definitely lead her into trouble. She wanted to stop him immediately. She made up herself.

"What do you mean love? Why do you want ME? What do you think of me? Do you think it's easy to trap a helpless woman? If you think you can get sex from me by uttering a few sugar-coated words..."

Before Khushi completed, Arnav turned her towards him and made her look at him.

"Yes, I want to get sex from you..." he said gritting his teeth making her dumbfounded.

"But, not in the way you think... I want to get it from you for my whole life... only from you... What's wrong if I want to get it from my wife after my marriage? Everyone does... I want not only SEX but LIFE from you. understand?" he yelled frustrated.

Khushi gulped hard. His hold on her hand was enough firm. She tried to get out of his hold.

"Leave my hand..."

"I need a good answer from you..."

"I'm married and have a son..."

"No... you have no husband... which means, you are a widow. You have no husband then what's your problem?"

"I don't need a husband"

"ok... I will ask Abhi whether he needs father"

"Don't interfere in our family matter"

"This is not your family matter but a justified desire of a small kid... don't be selfish Khushi"

Shrugging his hand off, she left his cabin. Arnav stood gritting his teeth.

To be continued...

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