49 Knowingly...

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Part 49 Knowingly...

Arnav finished the meeting. When he came to Khushi's cabin, she was not there. Removing his mobile, he dialed her number. She didn't attend the call. He went to his cabin while again trying her number. At that time also no response from Khushi. An unnamed fear occupied his heart. He didn't know whether he should be worried or not. Khushi was not a kid. She had led her life all alone. Yet, he was worried. After all, he was her husband. How could he be without caring about her?

His thought got broken by the door opening sound. He turned around and found Khushi entering. He huffed in relief.

"Where were you Khushi? Can't you just drop a message before going somewhere?" he asked without showing his disappointment.

She raised her hand in which she was holding two bags.

"This is why I went. You were in the conference. I don't want to disturb you"

Arnav was about to tell something, she stopped him.

"I will surely drop a message if I go somewhere alone next time"

Arnav nodded ok.

"What's this?"

"Check it out" she handed the bags to him.

Arnav removed the boxes from the bags. An adorable smile bloomed on his face, seeing two same design Sharwani.

"This is why you went?"

She nodded yes.

"Abhi wants both of you to wear matching dresses. To fulfill his wish, I bought these dresses"

"I never wore such dress before"

"Wear today..."

"Do you think it looks better on me?"

"I don't know if the dress looks better on you but YOU will look good in this dress."

Arnav smiled.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah... You look good in any kind of dress" she said without thinking while folding the dresses.

Arnav's smile broadened.

"Don't suspect I'm admiring you" she said seriously putting the dresses in the bag.

Arnav looked at her with a rigid expression.

"No need to suspect... I admire you" She said that bringing a smile to Arnav's face again.

Taking the bags, Khushi walked towards the door. Arnav blocked her way,

"Uttering an epic statement, how could you leave just like that?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Explain the statement and then go" he smirked.


"You said you admire me but I never witnessed such gestures from you..."

"Until now, I had been a silent admirer. You will witness such gestures from me a lot from here on" she took a step. Arnav clutched her shoulder gently.

"I don't know how to admire silently. I used to do everything openly. Like this..."

He kissed her cheek. Khushi looked at him with a mild smile and left his cabin. Arnav stood with an unnamed expression.

How this girl changed his life beautifully...! Though he got married without her FULL acceptance she adopted the relationship wholeheartedly and gave strength to him also that was least expected. He had heard many times that a girl can change one's life. He never took it in his head as he didn't have full faith in it. But now, after Khushi entered into his life, he himself felt it true. Arnav sat on the seat smilingly.

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