18 Heart-wrenching confession

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Part 18 Heart-wrenching confession

Preeto felt so happy as well as relieved. She so wanted Khushi to get settled in her life. A few guys proposed to her for marriage in the past years. But they ran away when they got to know she is married and had a son. Her Boss was the first person who wanted to marry her even after knowing about her. It seems it will work. Khushi deserves happiness. Poor girl... She faced the horrible phase of life at a small age. She crossed the phrase without anyone's support. Hereafter, she needs a shoulder to lean and to share her feelings... Because she too has feelings. How long she could suppress her emotions? She never experienced ANYTHING in her life. Why should she be like that? Just because she carried a child, why should she carry the burden in her heart for her whole life? Of course, she doesn't show interest in marriage. It doesn't mean she doesn't have an interest. Because of the difficulties in her life, she is scared to even think of marriage. Preeto wanted to talk to Khushi about it in person.


Arnav tried to cool his mind. He didn't want to get upset with Khushi. What if she resigns from the job? That mere thought made him weaker. Yes, she spoke about sleeping stuff. Let her think whatever she wants. He knew how to answer her. he knew how to show her, how wrong her thought was. As of now, getting married to her was the only task he has to concentrate on. He should make her understand how much he needs her. Abhi was her only son. Her husband died even before Abhi was born. what a tragic life she is leading...! Abhi is her only solace and the only meaning of her life... Abhi is Khushi's weakness... And, Abhi is ARNAV'S strength. Abhi was enough for him to get a yes from Khushi. Arnav knew how to get it.

On the other side,

Khushi was thinking about what Preeto said. She might be right. Abhi likes Arnav very much. If she restricts him from meeting Arnav, he will get fed up. She has to handle Abhi sagaciously. She should not upset Abhi. Why the hell these are happening in her life? Who is Arnav? Why the hell she should plan her life according to him? Why? she sighed.

The biggest talk that was in front of her is to meet Arnav everyday and she has to spend with him. How could Preeto think she would fall for Arnav if she spend time with him? She was not scared but felt awkward to face him. How could she be casual with the man who is in love with her? Why does he love her? Doesn't he get someone other than her? She looked at the watch. It was10:45 is. She has to be with him now for the client meeting. No choice... she has to... she thought Arnav would call her. But nope... He didn't. It does not mean she can stay back. Taking the file regarding the meeting, she came to his cabin.

Arnav was standing near a window, having coffee. He wondered seeing Khushi. He thought she would not come to his cabin. He was nervous too because Khushi might resign from the job. Didn't she try to resign from the job when she got to know he is her boss on the first day? Then won't she do it now? She answered him as if she read his mind.

"I so want to resign from the job but I don't want you to think that I am scared. I just want to show you that I can withstand anything and anyone." She said not looking at him could not withstand his LOOK.

"I never say you can't withstand anything Khushi. I just want to say that you no need to withstand anything alone anymore. Try to understand the difference between"

"Sir please, YOU( she stressed) try to understand... Who are you to me? Why should I take your help? You are my Boss and I am your employee. That's all... Please try to understand. Lat we live our lives peacefully. Don't interfere in our lives" she pleaded.

Arnav very well knows what she meant by the word OUR. She tells him to stay away from Abhi too.

"Ok... you don't need anyone. You can stand alone. I too don't have any doubt about it. But I can't... I'm not as strong as you. I want someone for myself... wholly. I have been alone so far. Don't I deserve a respectful life?"

Khushi felt bad for him. After all, she had a soft corner for him.

"Of course, you deserve... But why me? You can get a better girl than me"

"I honestly don't know why I like you very much. I don't think I can console my heart with the truth of your disinterest. I wish I could be with you. I wish it would happen soon. If it happens, my heart won't weep as it does now."

Khushi felt like a crab was running on her body. Her legs lost their moving ability.

"Passing my days without seeing you seem difficult for me nowadays, Khushi. My heart has no speaking power. If it has, it will tell you what I am going through. Whenever I see you, it feels like, you are the one who meant for me. My desperate eyes always want to see you. I am unable to pacify them because I have lost control over them, Khushi."

Khushi was startled. She felt a quake in her blood cells. That was the first time, she heard such a heart-wrenching confession from someone. No one in her life ever talked to her like that. She had faced only humiliation and disappointment in her life. Until now, no one made her feel like she also holds importance in someone's life. Why does it feel like it will be difficult to handle Arnav?

She made herself up. She should not lose her control. Every man talks like this until he gets what he wants. She should be strong. She should never go weak no matter how soothing his words are.

"We are getting late... Clients will start arriving, sir" she said.

Arnav nodded yes and walked out of the cabin.


It was 4'o clock. Khushi didn't find Arnav in his cabin. She sighed wearily. She thought Arnav went to meet Abhi. And she was not wrong. Arnav went to Khushi's house to meet Abhi. Khushi got a call on her mobile. She saw HOME's number. She attended it.

"Hello, Abhi... have you reached home?"

"Yes, mom... just now..."

"Tell me, Abhi, anything special?"

"Mom, I have won first prize in the Drawing competition"



"Very good...keep it up"

"Thank you Mom"

"Be careful. I will come home soon"

'Ok, mom... bye"

Khushi disconnected the call thoughtfully. She knew Abhi was not so good at drawing. Then how did he win the competition? Her doubt was right. We knew Arnav was the one who gave him tips to Abhi the other day. Here, is the output.

Abhi heard a knock on the door.

"Who is that?" he asked without opening the door.

"MT," said Arnav.

Abhi's face lit and he opened the door. Arnav smiled at him.

"MT, I have won first prize in the drawing competition"

"Wow... that's the good big guy" Arnav lifted him and rotated him in the air and Abhi liked it.

"Weldon, my boy... keep it up"

"Yeah..." they dashed their fists.

After spending quality time with Abhi, Arnav left the place. He wanted to give a gift to Abhi to encourage him. He decided to buy it the next day to surprise Abhi.

To be continued...

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