Asking to get an Answer...

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I was sound asleep when my stupid bloody alarm went off, I got up and turned it off, when I saw Liam wide awake next to me,

"Good morning Sexy," he smiled;

"Morning, what time is it?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes, I am still half asleep.

"7:15am, so we better get up if we want to get to school on time." Liam told me as he kissed my forehead,

"Okay, you can use Zach's room shower if you want," I suggested.

"No, let's shower together..." Liam said jumping onto of me,

"No way am I letting you near the shower when I am in there," I told him in a stern voice, and Liam pouted which made him look as cute as hell.

"Go and take a shower in Zach's room and Zach bought some new clothes before he left which he never took so you can wear those," I told him as I pushed him out the door.

I went and took a shower, I locked the door this time. I wasn't going to shower with him just get.

I got out of the shower, got changed and headed down stairs to the kitchen to see Liam cooking breakfast, Pancakes.

"We better hurry up if we want to get to school on time," Liam told me as he flipped a pancake and I applauded,

"Since when do you care about school?" I asked as I took a bottle of water from the fridge,

"Since if I get another late detention I will have to join a club or something." Liam told me, my boy always getting in trouble.

"Okay you can have your pancakes, I will have a granola bar." I said taking a granola bar and unwrapping it.

We finished our breakfast and headed to school, we took Liam Mercedes because I couldn't be bothered to drive.


We got to school in 10 minutes flat. Liam headed to his friends and I head to the canteen to find Nikki because she text me to meet her in the canteen.

"Hello honey." I said taking as cross the table,

"So tell me about the date." Nikki said as she couldn't wait to get the juice scoops of our date.

"It was amazing, romantic, fantastic, incredible and some many more words." I told her with a smile on my face,

"Okay you can tell me more later but right now we have to go to class." She told me as she got up.

We head to Pre-Calcs our first lesson, it was so boring. We made it through the morning but we barely made it through the afternoon.

I was meeting Liam near his car so he could drop me off at home, I still wanted to talk to Liam about that call, I just didn't know when.

"Hey babe, what are you thinking off?" Liam asked me breaking me off my thoughts.

"Nothing, let's go home," I said getting in the car.


We got to my home and we went and sat in the living room,

Ask him, its perfect timing.

"Uhmm... Liam can I ask you something?" I said in a scared voice,

"Shot." Liam said turning so he could look at me,

"Who was on the phone yesterday during our date?" I asked really quickly,

"It's a bit private." Liam answered,

"Liam I'm your girlfriend you can tell me anything," I told him in a calm voice,

"Kiley LEAVE IT!" Liam yelled, and I was in shock,

"Why are you getting angry I just asked who was it."

"You're invading my privacy and I don't like it." Liam told me getting up,

"I'm going out." he said as he headed toward the maid door. He shut it before I could say anything.

That's when I noticed he dropped his phone on the floor, I went and picked it up.

Go through the phone Kiley, Check the phone.

So I did I went through his contacts and saw an unknown number, it was called yesterday at our date.

I called the number and...

"Hello..." It was a girl who answered the phone.

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