Prom Night

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I was shitting myself! I walked across the hall way with Zach by my side and knocked on the door.

Nikki opened it,
"Wow sis! You look nice!" I commented my sister.

"You too bro," she moved pasted me and went to Zach who kissed her. Ewww.

I stepped inside Kiley's room to see her standing in front on the mirror wearing the white dress I had chosen for her.
I walked up behind her wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"You look breath taking... beautiful... gorgeous... I love you..." I whispered in her ear.

Since when did I become so romantic?

"I love you too," she whispered back to me.
"I love this dress as well."

"Lets go to prom, shall we?" I unwrapped myself from Kiley and help my arm out for her.

We linked arms and headed towards my car.
I opened the passenger side door for Kiley and let her sit in before I closed it. I took a deep breath in remembering the conversation I had with Zach.

A few hours a ago...

"Zach dude, can I ask you some thing bro," I scratched the back of my neck nervessly.

"Yeah go ahead."

"What if I said I want to marry your sister right now as in propose to her today." I look up at Zach sitting next to me ready to..

"Are you serious? You want to marry my psycho of a sister. You do know she flirts with any hot guys she sees right! Taken or not. And her mood swings are crazy. Plus when she is ill she is such a drama queen! WHY DO YOU WANT TO MARRY HER?" Zach laughed making me laugh with him.

I though he would kill me but he is laughing.

"So your okay with me proposing to Kiley?" I smiled at him.

"Yeah you have a my full blessings to ask my sisters hand in marriage; but about my old man, have you asked him?" Zach raised a brow in curiosity.

"Yeah I asked him yesterday and he gave me his full blessing as well. He said the whole to young thing but he finally came around after. I just hope she says yes; when I ask her!" I told a deep breath in and let in out slowly.

"She will dude, now lets play some video-games before the whole prom thing!" Zach chucked me a controller.

We player video games for hours until, we have just half-an hour to get ready for prom...


At the prom venue...
I parked my car, got out of my side and helped Kiley get out of her side.
Her dress was not too flowy but it was just as beautiful as her.
Dude! You're soo sappy!!!

We walked along the pavement to the entrence of the venue. It seemed to be a hall with a massive lake, but it looked okay.

"Isn't it amazing!" Kiley gazed at the moons' reflection on the lake.

"Yeah,it is." I agreed.

"Kiley...Liam...Come on!" We heard someone yell across the parking-lot.
We both turned out heads to see Nikki and Zach with Jake and Leona.

I tugged Kiley's arm towards them.
"Hey guys." I said.
I saw the girls complamenting each other on their dresses, hair and stuff whilst we were just stand there laughing at them.

"Are we just gonna stand here for prom or are we gonna PARTY!!" I heard Ashley. One of the football teams biggest party animals.

"Party! Party! Party!" Everyone started chanting and walking towards the hall.

I held Kiley's hand in mine and we started walking in to the hall.

I put my hand in the pocket in which the ring was in.

Lets just see where the night takes me...

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