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Breathe in... breathe out... breathe in... breathe out...

I don't think I've never been this nerves, Of course you're going to be nerves it's your god for saken wedding day.

After Liam proposed on prom, we decided to wait until after we graduated from university to get officially married; I am now 22 and Liam is 23. My parents still think I am too young to get married but I am getting married whether they like it or not.

I am currently sitting in the dressing room with my beautiful brides-maids. Nikki is of course my maid of honour and my brides maids are; Leona, Stacey, Chloe and Lucy. Did I mention that Jake and Leona had the most beautiful baby girl Gemma, who is my flower girl.

"You look gorgeous." Zach came in and kissed me on the forehead.

"Thanks bro, have all the guest arrived?" I asked.

"Yes they have, don't worry your pretty little head about anything." Zach smiles and I playfully hit him on the arm making him chuckle.

"Okay, Kiley its times for you to be handed to Liam..." My dad came and started crying.

And the site of my dad crying made me cry,

"Oh daddy..." I whispered;

"Kiley don't you start crying, you're gonna ruin your makeup!" Stacey laughed,

"Kiley, I want Zachary to walk you down the aisle, I know who close you too are. Please for me don't say no..." Dad placed my hand in Zach's hand, we just stare at each other for a few minutes before saying anything.

"You sure dad?" Zach asked.

"Yeah, never been surer of anything in my life." Dad smile, "It's time for the wedding ceremony go..." Dad gave me a sweet smile and a slight push toward the door.

We were having a beautiful garden wedding; the brides-maids lined up and stared to walk down the aisle as the music started...

"Deep breathe Kiles..." Zach squeezed my hand before looping our arms together ...

Zach smiles at me for taking a step forwards and taking me with him down the aisle to the man I love so dearly...

I saw Liam, and my breathe was taken away, the man I love is going to be forever mine.

I was at the end of the aisle, before place my hand in Liam,
"I love you little sis..." Zach kissed me on the forehead and placed my hand in Liam's.

We stood there just smiling and staring at eachother.

"Dearly and beloved... we are gathered here today to see the sacrite union of Liam Ross Court and Kiley Maria Martins. If anyone objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your piece." The priest spoke, I wanted this man to be mine now!

"Shall we proceed....." The priest spoke, the ceremony flew by but it was time for the vows.

"Liam Ross Court, proceed with you vows..."

Liam took a deep breathe,
"Kiley, I have loved you from the moment I set eyes on you in kindergarden. I love the way you talk, walk, smile, laugh. I just love everyting about you. You have made me laugh and cry. Scream because of anger and joy. I love that no matter what, we can never stay anger at eachother. I loved you soo much words can not decribe. Thank you for making me the happiest man alive." Liam brought my hand closer and layed a small kiss on my nuckles.

I had tears flowing down my cheek and a sweet smile plattered on my face.

"Kiley Maria Martins... you may proceed with your vows..."

"Liam, I don't know what you besides, I love you and thank you. We have had a crazy rollercoster relationship. Smiles, tears, fights and makeups but through out all of that you still loved me like no man ever could. I want to start a family, I want to spend my life with you as husband and wife.
I have never loved anyone as much I love you." I said and meant everyword with my whole heart.

I was nothing compared to Liam's but atleast I had something to say...

"Liam Ross Court... Do you take Kiley Maria Martins to be your lawfully wedded wife..." The priest asked.

"I do!" Liam smiled.

"Kiley Maria Martins... Do you take Liam Ross Court to be your lawfully wedded husband..."

"I do!" I blush.

"Well then... with the power vested in me; you are offically pronounced husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest smiled at us.

With that; Liam put his hands around my waist and kissed me with so much passion. It was like I haven't kissed him in years.

I pulled away and smiled at him...

This man is bless to put up with me for the rest of his life.

I love him soo much....
Let's see what the future holds....

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