Shopping? Bad or Good.

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Liam's P.O.V.

I hate shopping. I seriously fucking hate the drama that happens 'what color? What size? Is it the right price, material?' I hate shopping!

We went to Zara Men and headed straight to the tux/suit section.

"What colour tie do you want?" Kiley asked looking at the ties.

"Black." I only like dark colours. But what colour is Kiley wearing?probably same colour as Nikki.

"Okay, try this on;" Kiley handed me a simple black and white tux in my size.

"Okay." I shrugged.

I headed to the changing rooms and tried them on but... I think I might have a little fun.

"Kiley come here a sec!" I yelled opening the changing room door a bit.

"What's wrong?" She asked standing in front if the door.

"Come in here," I unlocked the door to let her in.

She came in and immediately went bright red. Can you guess why?

Her eyes traveled up and down my body. I pushed her against the wall and started kissing her neck. I heard a small sexy moan escape her mouth.

She pushed me away to catch her breath; her chest was rising up and down.

"Put on some fucking clothes." She muttered still unable to breath.

"Why? I want you?" I pouted my lip.

"And the last time we had sex I got pregnant; so no!" She stood up straight.

She unlocked the door and headed out side.

"So no?" I questioned.

"No! Just try on the tux would you?" Kiley answered getting annoyed.

I put on the tux and headed out to see what she thinks.

"What you think?" I asked fixing the tie.

"You look like the most sexiest man I've ever laid eyes on. And you do look like a groom!" Kiley smirked.

"Will you marry me then?" I got down on one knee and brought my hand up to hers.

"Yes I will marry you... in a few years but for now... it's still a yes." Kiley leaned down and kissed me.

"Lets buy this one and head home. It's getting late and we have school in the morning." Kiley said as she got my wallet out of the dressing room.

"What do you think your doing with my wallet?" I raised a brow.

"You didn't think that I was paying for a $200 tux did you?" She got my credit card out and waited for me to finish changing back.

"Lets go pay for this issh!" I muttered.

"Cheer up would you?" Kiley nudged me.
I gave her a big stupid smile which made her laugh.

"Can we pay for this?" Kiley took the tux out of my arms and handed it to a very old man.

"That will be $200 dear," he smiled at us as Kiley handed him my credit cared.

"Here's you receipt, thank for shopping at Zara!" We said our goodbyes and headed to the parking lot.

Once we got to the parking lot, I drove Kiley home and went to crazy fucked-up home to see that my parents weren't there. Great.

What a life I have...

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