Stay Away Or...

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"No, you've done enough, I'll sort it out with Leona. Please just leave me alone." And I slammed the door in his face.

How could he keep secrets from me?

I can fucking believe Leona is pregnant, with my BOYFRIEND'S baby, Ex- boyfriend Kiley, you just broke up with Liam like 5 minutes ago.

Oh shut the fuck up conscious, I don't want to fight with you. I hate Liam so much right now but I love him so damn much, what the fuck have you done to me Liam?

"Kiles you okay?" Nikki asked me carefully,

"Hi Nikks yeah I'm fine, I just found out my boyfriend went to rehab for 3 year fucking and never told me so basically kept a secret, oh joy he made that fucking hell of a bitch Leona pregnant. I am perfectly fine." I yelled sarcastically at her, and she just ran over and gave me hug because tears were pouring out of my eyes.

"I'm so sorry honey, we'll make this better, and Liam is a douche-bag. We will sort this out, together, like we always do. We're like sisters and we can always get Zach to kick his ass." Nikki said to me,

"Thanks Nikks, where is Zach?" I asked, I want to talk to my brother first.

"I'm right here Kiles, look I'm so sorry about this I wish I could have done something. I really want to kick his fucking little ass right now!" Zach muttered as he clenched his jaw and made a fit with his hands.

"Well all I can say is that your best friend is a douche-bag. I hate to say it but things were so much easier when I was with Jake, we were happy, we were the power couple and we had so many laughs but with Liam all I get is heartaches. I just want him to stay away for a few days or week. I need space so as his best friend tell him stay the fuck away from me." I told Zach.

I sound like the biggest bitch right now but it's true, come on you have to agree; things, life was so much simpler when I was with Jake, he cared for me, yes he made mistakes but he made me smile and made a feel like I was the only girl in the world until Leona came and ruined everything.

She ruins everything, I hate her so much and I have every bloody well damn right to, she is the wicked fucking witch, I could kill her sometimes BUT my anger and hatred for her doesn't go as far as murdering her.

"Look Kiley, Liam and I are best mates but Liam and Jake are also best mates so don't go as far as in making Liam jealous with Jake, you could ruin their friendship, you've already ruined mine and Liam friendship by making him break the bro-code." Zach told me. Fuck off YOU made Nikki break girl-code.

"What n ever douche. And I would never do something that stupid, I am not going to something that childish, BTW you made Nikki break girl-code." I told him with a smirk.

"STOP!" Nikki yelled,

"What? Okay, are you stay over for a girl's night because I really need one?" I asked Nikki,

"Yeah, BTW what the fuck is this about you having an abortion?" Nikki yelled at me,

"Nothing, I only said that to scare him but I have to do something about this pregnancy because I know for sure Liam doesn't want me to give birth to this baby." I said to Nikki as I made my way to my bedroom.

I need this girls night, we can talk about everything especially the pregnancy because my parents are coming home tomorrow.

"Well I spoke to him and he said he wants to start a family with you but not yet because he thinks this baby will interfere in yours and his future." Nikki explained.

"Whatever. I couldn't care less about Liam right now, he hurt me, the secrets, the lies; what can I do besides hate him but I love him so fucking much. UHHH my life is so fucking complicated." I complained.

"Honey if life wasn't complicated, life wouldn't be fun." Nikki told me as she jumped on my bed and started playing around on my laptop.

"Hay! What the hell do you think you are doing?" I yelled at Nikki, when I remembered I forgot to shut down my laptop because I was looking up something.

"Really Kiles, baby clothes. Why would you even look at baby things when you're not even going to have the damn thing?" Nikki complained.

"I don't kno...-w" I said when my phone went off, it was Liam.

I wanted to let it go to voice mail but I answered it,

"What part of STAY AWAY don't you understand?" I yelled at him,

"Kiley, please listen to me, " Liam begged.

"Stay away from me Liam, better yet GO AWAY!" I yelled over the phone and then I heard and massive bang.

"LIAM..." I yelled...

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