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Kiley's P.O.V.

I can't believe this day is finally here. Prom. I walked into the hall with my head intwingled with Liam's.

"You okay, you seem to be a bit off..." I asked Liam looking closely at him. It was like he was here with me but actually he is somewhere else.

"Yeah I'm fine, how about we go and dance?" Liam smirked pulling me towards the dance floor.

I quickly passed my purse to Leona; she become a good friend of mine and Nikki's.

Liam snaked his arms around my waist and pulled my close to him until our chests were moulded together; I wrapped my arms around his neck and swayed my hips the beat of the tracks the DJ was spinning. I was free with Liam, with no care in the world.

My feet were soon hurts from all the dancing, "Let's go sit down?" I whisper into Liam's ear.

He nods in agreement and we start heading to the table dodging the crazy-horny teenagers.

"Hey hey hey guys!" Chelsie; one of the cheerleader's speaks through the mic.

"Are you guys ready to hear who your prom King and Queen are?!" Chelsie cheers and everyone starts to scream in joy.

"Okay Niks if it's you great. If it's me great. We are both queens!" I squeeze Nikki's hand as Chelsie opens the envelope.

Silence... Everyone was completely silence...

"And your prom king is.... Liam Court!" Chelsie sang into the mic.

I jumped into Liam's armed and gave him a quick peck before he went up on stage to receive the crown.

"And for the moment, I know all the girls have been waiting for; your prom queen is.... KILEY MARTINS!" Chelsie squealed.

I couldn't believe it, I was queen; I walked up to the stage and receive my crown and stood next to Liam.

"Now you look like the perfect queen!" Liam whispered into my ear make me blush.

"Now... let's dance!!" Chelsie yelled into the mic once again.

"Um Kiles, can we go outside for a minute?" Liam asked.

"Yeah sure..." I took Liam's hand and we head out towards the parking lot.

"Hey what's up?" I asked.

"I love you soo much and I can't live without you... I know your probably gonna be all li-" I stop Liam mid-way through his sentence.

"Liam is this about our future together because no matter what I will always be right beside you." I reassured him.

"I know... but I want to say something else.... Look I know in our relationship we have had our fair share of ups and downs but we are happy now. Plus I love the woman standing right in front of me; I want you to be with me every day of my life. I want to have kids with you. I want a future with you, a home. Kiley I want to marry you.... So Kiley Maria Martins will you marry me?" Liam got down on one knee, hold up the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen in my life.

"YES YES YES I WILL MARRY YOU! YESS" I screamed at the top of my lungs, tears of joy running down my face.

I couldn't believe that this just happened... Liam got up from the ground and slide the ring on to my finger.

"I love you soo much, you don't know how happy you have made me." Liam kissed me with suck passion. My heart skipped a beat as soon as his lips touched mine, he snaked his arms around my waist, yanking me towards his chest.

My hands immediately held onto his shoulders, I ran my hands up and down his shoulders, my hands feeing though his hands.

"Uh guys might wanna give it a rest before you rip each other's clothes off!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

I gave Liam a little push, turned my head to see a grinning Zach with Nikki on his arm and also Jake and Leona behind them.

"Shut up you dick!" I yelled back.

Next thing I knew was Nikki was pulling me into a massive bear hug.

"Were going to be sister-in-laws. I can't wait for the wedding already, you're going to have the most beautiful dress... Oh I can't wait.... I'm soo happy for you!" Nikki smiled at me soo widely that she was glowing with happiness.

"Thanks Nikki, I am planning the wedding in my head already." I glowed...

"Congrats Kiles... Can't wait to see mum and dads reaction." Zach gave me a small side hug.

I seriously couldn't care that's its prom tonight, I'm just soo happy with my friends and my now future-fiancé.

I can't wait for the future at this point....

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