I hate...Part 2

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"Daddy..." I whispered,

"She's just in shock, she will get over it soon don't worry. Go to bed now, Nikki you can stay over if you want. Goodnight." Dad told us and followed mum upstairs.

I hate my life, I HATE MY LIFE. I HATE MY LIFE!!!!

We all sat there in silence for a few minutes.

Liam, I love you, I need you, I want you; I can't live without you.

"Kiles, it's getting late. We should head up to bed, we have school in the morning." Nikki told me as she slowly got up and extended her hand for me.

I inhaled and exhaled my breaths really slowly. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Goodnight Zachy." I whispered as I got up.

I slowly walked to my room, I sat on my bed and faced Nikki who was sitting opposite me.

"What has my life come to?" I asked as I felt my voice cloud with emotions.

"Kiley, I don't know what the hell to say. My life isn't that great either; my best friend is hurting and I can't help her. My brother has got 2 girls pregnant, he is the cause of my best friends discomfort and he has just been an accident.On top of that he is ignoring me. Plus my boyfriend is fighting with me saying 'I don't know how the fuck he is feeling' well he can just fuck the hell of until he apologises." Nikki told me quickly and the breaking at the end.

"Nikki I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this because of me. I'm just hurt at this moment and I don't just know what to do. Liam hates my fucking existence, my parents hate me and I'm god damn pregnant. Life isn't that simple right now."

"I love you Kiles. We will sort things out together, but for now let's go to bed its getting really late." Nikki told me.

We got changed and headed to bed. In my head I kept on thinking about Liam. What is he doing? Where is he? Has he been discharged from hospital? How is he? Liam. Liam. Liam.

I wish we could talk this through but he clearly stated he was done with me.


"Kiley, wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!" Nikki growled at me.

"No I'm staying here. I want sleep, I have a damn 4 month old baby in my belly who need rest; so fuck the hell off!" I told her as I turn over to the other side.

"Kiley, get the fucking hell up or I am dragging your ass out of bed." Nikki yelled at me as she yanked the duvet off of me and left my room.

I slowly got out of bed and headed into the bathroom. It took me about 35 minutes to get my ass out of the shower because the warm water was relaxing.

I headed back to my room and got changed; I put on a pair of dark blue skin jeans, a lighter blue baggy blue top with a floral scarf and baby pink shoes. The most causal outfit ever, the most comfortable outfit ever and you could see my baby bump.

Could life get any crueller to me?

I went down stairs to the kitchen to see my parents, Zach and Nikki making breakfast; As soon as I stepped in the kitchen everyone started staring at me.

"What the hell are you guys staring at?" I asked a little rudely.

"Nothing, what's wrong with you?" Zach asked trying to divert the awkwardness.

"Zach just the fuck up!" I told him straight.

"Excuse me!" My mom butted in.


"Sorry mum. Can I please just go to school? I just want to get this day over and done with." I told her with boredom seeping in my voice.

"Cheer up love!" My dad trying to cheer me up.

"I'm not in the mood dad, sorry." I apologised,

"Nikki. Zach; can we just go?" I asked as I picked up my bag and walked toward the door.

"Kiles, you okay?" Nikki asked.

"Yeah, can we just go to school?" I muttered as I hopped into the back seat on the car.

I'm not fine, I want to cry a god damn river; I want Liam back. I want this to be over.

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